
Have you Ever had a wreck?

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Have you Ever had a wreck?




  1. Sure have.  Twice I was a passenger in a vehicle when another party took a left in front of us, and totaled our vehicle.  Despite some minor injuries, I was not hurt(I don't believe in filing bogus injury claims just to make money).   I also have  been rearended three times, each causing minor damage to my vehicle.  No problems filing claims and being fairly compensated for the damages.

  2. Nope, not a scratch in 47 years.

    My 26 year old son had a really spectacular one though a couple of years back!

    He works long hours at any time but in the month running up to the accident he had a new girlfriend and was coming home every night at 3-4am and had to be up before 7am.

    We live just off a series of winding bends and he apparently fell asleep at the wheel and went straight across one, instead of around! The car went up a 6 foot high bank, sailed off the top, hit a dip nose down when it landed and cartwheeled 5 times (you could see the impacts in the field), all 4 wheels snapped of, the Hatchback lid snapped off and ended up 50 yards from the car, the tail end finished up about 2 foot further in than when it left the factory and the front end the same. If you looked at the car you would not think anyone could have got out alive!  He did - apart from a nasty friction burn from the safety belt, his only injury was a small but deepish cut on one hand and he got this from broken glass as he climbed out of the window!  The car had done what it was designed to do and progressively folded up but the passenger cage was intact and doors still in place.  The Ambulance  crew and Police (called by a passing motorist) told him to go out and buy a handfull of lottery tickets as his luck was unbelievably good.  His luck only held because the field had been deep ploughed a couple of days before and there had been heavy rain the the few hours before his crash so the ground was very soft. He was also lucky in that as there was no other vehicle involved the police did not charge him with anything.

    He has a blown up photo of the cars remains on his bedroom wall as a reminder to keep more sensible hours!

  3. Yes, I was hit in the side by someone who ran a red light a few years ago ...... I suffered a sprained ankle and some very bruised ribs ....... and my firend who was driving received a broken arm ....... luckily, we didnt have any serious injuries ........ I have came upon a number of accidents in my life ....... I have seem so really bad accidents ....... I came across one in a rural area one time and one car ended up over an embankment and I pulled both people out of the vehicle since it was smoking and burning ....... one was badly hurt and was dead before I got to him but the other I gave CPR too and he supposedly pulled through ....... I was just glad I was there to help ....... everyone should always stop and try to help when they can ...... = )

  4. Yup. twice. once my fault and once someone elses

  5. No. In 49 years. I'm thinking now i wish you had`nt have asked that question

  6. yep- got hit by a city bus and pinned between the bus and another car....NOT fun

  7. head on combined speed of 90 mph in works van icy conditions washington highway (england) other bloke died later on that day very sad.  .......

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