
Have you Y!A veterans ever thought about retiring from Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I joined last year on March 17th, but I got suspended >.>

Anyways, I have a goal of asking 1000 questions then retiring, but I don't think I will ever leave, after 1000 questions >_<

[Poll] Crying when everyone hears or crying when no one hears?




  1. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    crying when no one heres. No one EVER hears anyway.

  2. You joined on my half-birthday.  Big whoop, right?  Heheheh.

    I don&#039;t know, I honestly don&#039;t know.  Not much help, am I?  I like Y/A quite a bit.  I also like C &amp; A.  I am wondering if there were an Anime-only section (mentioned in a ? on Y/A recently), if that would spice things up any.  But, if people are disenchanted with C &amp; A now, an Anime-only section wouldn&#039;t help.  Maybe going to another section or sections would help.  

    To answer your question.............I do not know if I will ever retire from Y/A.  But, if I don&#039;t start getting the emails when my Contacts ask a ?, I may do something.  I have met a lot of great people here though.

    Poll Answer:  Crying when no one hears.  

  3. Not until I reach level 7.

    edit: When no one hears.

  4. Yes I have many times. I have been here since may 06 counting my other two accounts. It is getting ridiculous, but I still find myself coming back.

  5. Nope, I don&#039;t plan on ever leaving. I joined almost 2 years ago :)

  6. Once I reach the number one spot!

  7. Some don&#039;t retire, they recreate themselves.

    No one hears.

  8. I think my contacts keep me here now!

  9. I have thought about quiting, but hey I am still here.  I have over 30,000 points and I don&#039;t look like I am going to retire any time soon.  I might when I head off to college which is in a year.  Other than that, I don&#039;t see myself retiring yet.

  10. idk is in my way of being on online now. i might or might not. it&#039;s hard to choose.

    Poll: Crying when no one hears

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