
Have you a Herbal Remedy for Head ache Please?

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Have you a Herbal Remedy for Head ache Please?




  1. Head ache is a symptom and have different causes.  The cause should be treated.  If not the symptom would be suppressed and the cause for the malady will grow inside the body.  

    For temporary relief:

         Stress head ache can be removed by pressing on the forehead on the top right had corner of forehead for two minutes.  Headache from eyes can be removed by pressing on the orbit bone of the eyes.  

         Using a rubber band on the thumb or pressing the thumbs can remove many kinds of head aches.  

        Gastric headaches can be relieved not cued by passing stools and urine.

    For cure :

        Hammering type of sun head ache.,  Medicine has to be taken inside.  Natrum Mur 30 normally cures.  

       Headache increasing with sun and decreasing with sun set.

    Natrum Mur 30.  

       Bursting, splitting headache, worse on movement -Bryonia

       Headache before menses. Weight on top of head, head is heavy and hot  -Calcaria carb.  

       Migraine -  Chionanthus Q & Arsenic Album 30.

       Headache due to Spondylosis -  Cocculus Indicus. 30

        Head ache with nausea and vomiting and restlessness.

    cause : normally food poisoning, malaria(with chill and aggravation at 2AM).

         Headache due to indigestion of oil - Pulsatilla.

         Headache due to fasting - Silicea.

        Headache due to sun stroke - Glonoinum.  

        Headache due to grief or closely attentive - Ignatia Amara

        Headache between the eyebrows with dizziness  - Lobalia purpurata.

        Headache due to deodenal ulcers and gas formations in stomach.   Argentum Nitricum 30.

        Headache in Influenza - Gelsemium 30.  

       5th nerve nerualgia - Spigelia 30

       Right sided rhematic - Sanguinaria 30.

       Headache due to alcohol, coffee, tea, sedentary habits - Nux Vomica 30.  

       Head Ache with sore throat (red colour of throat)- Belladonna.  

       Headache with sore throat, like a splinter in throat -Hepar Sulph.  

       Headache due to gas(wind) moving upwards. - Carboveg.

       Headache due to tumor in head -  Stannum Metalicum.

       Headache with sinus - Allium Cepa.  

                    Thus goes the endless list.

               The above information is not a medical advise or prescription.   Consult a doctor before using any medicines.

  2. Feverfew is really good for headaches but it's more of a preventive type herb. Now if if is above your eyes by your eyebrows it could be just a sinus headache which can be just as bad as a migraine I know because I USED to thats right used to get them. I did a body cleanse and took Fenugreek and Thyme for a month and ALJ for a month since then my migraines decreased to around 2 times a month instead of every week. If it is due to stress you can try some tei fu oil where the pain is and chamomille helps relax the nerves so that way the swelling goes down and that way the nerves aren't restriced any more and in return the headache goes away. The doctors had told me mine were hormonal come to find out there is no such thing as hormonal migraines.

  3. I recommend Tiger balm for pretty much any ache you suffer from.  You can buy it in most chemists and all health food shops.

    Rub some on your temples or across your forehead (avoiding near your eyes as it really makes them water).  It feels like deep heat and really takes the edge off your pain.

    Stinks to high heaven but it's great for headaches and muscular pain.

  4. Folk Medicine used to say to treat headaches with "cold head, hot feet."  Much of herbal information agrees with this.

    A cloth soaked in a bowl of herb tea (peppermint, rosemary, sage) and ice cubes applied to the forehead, and a heating pad applied to the feet (Or a hot foot bath) will bring relief to many headache sufferers.

    Additionally, drinking chamomile tea with drops of valerian tincture, and inhaling essential oil of peppermint can be very helpful.

  5. peppermint and lavender oil you can buy it in health / herbal stores, its a small roll-on you can put in your pocket / purse and its good.

  6. feverfew is sold in capsule or tea form, the essential oils of lavender and peppermint applied to the temples really helps me.

  7. 2 capsules of Valerian root, 1 capsule of 40,000 HU Cayenne Pepper.

    Works by dilating blood vessels in the brain and increasing circulation. Also gives you a relaxed feeling

  8. I dont know of any herbal remedies, but i have this great meditation technique that always helps me. You have to close your eyes and imagine the headache leaving you skull in a physical form (i usually make it black liquid) and imagine it disappearing. It usually helps me till the aspirin kicks in.

  9. Yes, there are a number of herbs which could help depending on the person including  White willow bark, feverfew, woodruff, wild lettuce, cayenne, black willow bark, bingko biloba, birch, hops, kola nut, lavender, peppermint, and wintergreen ....... = )

  10. lots of room temperature water to drink, fresh air if poss. Lavender oil rubbed into the temples, mint can help too.

    Camomile tea with lavender and rose if you can get it.

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