
Have you a good recipe for pears?

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Have you a good recipe for pears?




  1. Try poaching them in red wine. peel and core the pears. place in a pan and almost cover them with a good red wine. let them poach (boil) for a few minutes until they are easily pierced with the tip of a knife.(soft) take them out and serve warm with ice cream or any way you like. the red color and the flavor the pears absorb is terrific! Oh yeah, you can add some cloves to the poaching liquid for extra flavor. google poached pears for a real recipe. hope this helps, chef paul

  2. Coffee glazed Pears(so good the next day!) or pears in red wine cooked em  both I like the coffee best but loved both!

    Red wine

    4 fairly large Bartlett pears, peeled, quartered, and seeded (1 1/2 pounds)

    1 1/2 cups good, strong red wine (not sweet)

    1/3 cup sugar

    Peel of 1 lemon

    Juice of 1 lemon (about 1/3 cup)

    Combine the pears in a pot with the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil, cover, and boil the mixture gently about 25 minutes—less if the pears are very ripe, more if they are hard. You should have approximately 2/3 cup of syrup left; if the pears have rendered a lot of liquid, you may have more.

    Transfer the pears to a bowl. Reduce the syrup to about 2/3 cup, then combine it with the pears. Cool. The liquid should get syrupy.


    (prepare exactly the same as with wine)

    4 large Bartlett pears, peeled, quartered, and seeded (1 1/2 pounds)

    2 cups leftover coffee

    1/3 cup brown sugar

    1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Cook, remove pears and reduce sauce....

  3. Halcyon Jam

    4 pounds ripe pears, peeled and cored

    32 oz crushed pineapple

    1 jar drained and diced maraschino cherries

    2 oranges peeled and diced - remove most of white inner skin and seeds.

    peel and slice/dice everything.  Add 4 cups sugar, mix well.  Put in oven at 200 degrees and cook for 4 hrs.  put in cartons and freeze or can it with canner etc.  It will turn a rich golden brown and is so good on toast or as a filling for a jelly roll.  :)  

  4. Do I ever! This is actually fairly easy to make and it's very dramatic to serve. People will have a hard time believing you made it.

    Crustless Almond and Pear Tart

    6 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided

    1 1/4 cups whole blanched almonds (6 oz.)

    2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided

    1/2 cup all-purpose flour

    1/2 teaspoon ground mace

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    2 eggs, lightly beaten

    2 tablespoons pear eau de vie (if you have it or Amaretto for a little more almond flavor or leave it out and add a little extra milk instead)

    1/4 cup milk

    1/2 tsp vanilla

    2 large ripe, but firm, pears - preferably bartlett or anjou

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Generously grease a 9 1/2 inch fluted tart pan or baking dish. Melt 5 tablespoons butter in a small saucepan over low heat until melted. Remove from heat, let cool to room temperature - set aside until needed. Cut remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons butter into small pieces - set aside until needed.

    In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, combine the almonds and 2/3 cup sugar and process, pulsing on and off, until finely ground. Be careful not to process too long or it will form a paste. Transfer the ground almonds to a large bowl and stir in the flour, spices and salt until blended.

    In a small bowl, combine eggs, eau de vie, milk, vanilla and reserved melted butter and mix well. Add the egg mixture to the almond mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour the batter into the prepared dish and spread to form an even layer.

    Peel, quarter and core the pears. Using a sharp knife, cut each pear quarter into crossways slices 1/8 inch thick, keeping the slices assembled as you go. One quarter at a time, slide the sliced pear onto a metal spatula or spreader and set it on top of the batter with the smaller end of the pear in the center. Repeat with the remaining sliced pear quarters forming the spokes of a wheel. Press the surface of the fanned pears down into the batter so that only the surface of the pears is showing.

    Sprinkle the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar evenly over the pears and scatter the cut up butter bits over the top. Bake the tart in the upper third of the oven until the batter is puffed and golden brown, 40-45 minutes. Let the tart cool on a rack. Serve warm or at room temperature

    This picture isn't mine and it isn't this recipe, but it is just what the finished tart looks like.

  5. Food network has tons of pear recipes.

  6. Red Wine Poached Pears (really yummy)

    1 lemon

    1 orange

    1 bottle red wine (recommended: Shiraz/Syrah or Zinfandel)

    8 cups water

    1/2 cup honey

    1 (1-inch) piece fresh ginger, sliced

    1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns

    1/2 teaspoon cloves

    4 cardamom seeds

    2 star anise

    1 bay leaf

    6 Bartlett pears, peeled

    Creamy Pistachio Nut Filling, recipe follows

    Special equipment: a wide saucepot, parchment paper, a parisienne scoop/small melon baller, a piping bag

    Juice the lemon and orange, reserving the juiced citrus halves. Put the juice, citrus halves, wine, water, honey, ginger, black peppercorns, cloves, cardamom, star anise and bay leaf in a wide saucepot. Gently place the pears into the liquid. Make a circle of parchment paper that is 1/2-inch larger than the pot and cover surface completely with the parchment paper (see Cook's Note*). Make sure the pears are fully submerged but not touching the bottom of the pot. Bring the poaching liquid and pears to a boil, then reduce the heat to just below a simmer.

    Cook the pears until fork tender. Test for doneness by inserting a sharp knife in the base; there should be little resistance when fully cooked. Gently transfer pears to a glass or ceramic bowl. Pour enough poaching liquid over pears just to cover. Cover and refrigerate for several hours, preferably overnight; the longer the pears soak, the darker they will become.

    Strain remaining poaching liquid and return to saucepan. Cook over high heat until a syrupy consistency is achieved or the syrup coats the back of a spoon. Chill until the pears are served.

    Use a parisienne scoop to remove each pear's core, hollowing out a 1-inch wide cavity that starts at the base and extends 3/4 of the way up the pear. Transfer the Creamy Pistachio Nut Filling to a piping bag without a tip. Gently fill the pear cavity until it slightly overflows. (The overflow will help to provide a sticky surface to stand the pear up on.) Place the pear, base side down, in a bowl and surround with 1-ounce of the syrup. Serve.

    Cook's Note: *Make sure the poaching liquid is kept below a simmer so that the delicate pears don't fall apart from the agitation of the liquid.

    Creamy Pistachio Nut Filling:

    1 1/2 cups mascarpone cheese

    3 tablespoons sugar

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/2 cup pistachios, coarsely chopped

    In a medium-sized bowl, cream the mascarpone, sugar, and vanilla together. Stir in the pistachio nuts.

    Use immediately or refrigerate and return to room temperature before filling the pears.

  7. Brandied Pears.

    50 g brown sugar

    80 ml water

    15 ml fresh lemon juice

    3 large pears, peeled, halved, and cored

    35 g walnuts, finely chopped

    25 g brown sugar

    20 ml brandy

    15 ml plain yogurt

    235 ml whipping cream

    10 g white sugar

    10 ml brandy, sherry, or other liqueur

    Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

    Mix 1/3 cup brown sugar with water and lemon juice together in an ungreased baking dish until sugar is dissolved. Arrange pear halves, core side down, in the dish, and baste with the sauce. Cover with aluminum foil.

    Bake pears in the preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes, or until fork-tender but not mushy.

    Meanwhile, mix nuts together with the remaining 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 1/2 tablespoons brandy, and the yogurt; set aside. In a separate bowl, whip cream until stiff peaks form. Sprinkle in white sugar and remaining 2 teaspoons of brandy, or liqueur of choice, and gently whip a few strokes more.

    To serve, place one pear half in the center of each serving plate and fill core cavity with nut stuffing. Top with whipped cream. Serve warm.


    6 large pears

    1 cup sugar

    pinch of salt

    2 tbsp. cinnamon

    2 tbsp. nutmeg

    2 sticks butter

    2 cups sifted flour

    2 cups brown sugar

    Preheat oven to 350°F.

    Peel pears and cut into slices, then cubes about 1/2 inch to 1 inch pieces.

    Mix pears, sugar, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and 2 tablespoons of flour in pan.

    Combine butter, the remaining flour, and brown sugar, mashing until crumbly.

    Pour pear mixture into pan of choice. Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over pears.

    Bake for 35-45 minutes.



    7 lb. pears and/or apples, washed & cored

    1 orange

    1 lemon

    2 c. seedless raisins

    1 c. pecans, chopped coarsely

    2 1/2 c. sugar

    1 tbsp. cinnamon

    1 tbsp. clove

    1 tbsp. allspice

    2 c. vinegar

    Wash fruit. Core apples and pears. Remove seeds from the orange and lemon. Grind pears, apples, orange, lemon and raisins.

    In large pot, mix ground fruit, nuts, sugar, spices and vinegar. Cook until thick, keeping well stirred.

    Spoon into about 9 pint jars and adjust lids. Process in hot water bath 10 minutes. Use as you would other mincemeat for making pies, breads, cookies or over ice cream. This recipe will be a bit tart in taste. You may add up to 3 cups more sugar according to your taste.



    8 - 12 apples

    2 c. apple juice

    1 stick butter


    15 Hungry Jack biscuits (may substitute cake mix)

    2 cans pears

    2 1/2 c. brown sugar

    Cinnamon red hots

    Slice apples and place in 10 inch Dutch oven or equivalent size pan. Add 1 cup of apple juice, 1/2 stick of butter divided equally, 1 1/2 cups brown sugar, pears and some cinnamon. Place biscuits on top of apples; pour over biscuits 1 cup apple juice, remaining butter; sprinkle 1 cup of brown sugar on top, sprinkle more cinnamon on top and place 1 to 3 red hots on the top of each biscuit (this is mainly to add color). Place over coals or in oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Take out and let cool for a few minutes before serving. Will have 10 to 13 5 ounce servings.



    4 c. peeled, sliced fresh Bartlett pears

    1/3 c. honey

    2 tbsp. cornstarch

    4 tsp. lemon juice

    1 tsp. grated lemon peel

    1/4 tsp. ground ginger

    Pastry for 2 crust (9 inch) pie

    2 tbsp. butter

    Toss pears with honey, cornstarch, lemon juice, peel and ginger. Turn mixture into pastry-lined 9-inch pie plate; dot with butter. Cover with top crust. Seal and flute edges; cut vents into crust. Bake at 400 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes or until pears are tender and crust is golden.

    Makes 1 (9-inch) pie.



    2 c. sugar

    3/4 c. corn oil

    3 eggs

    3 c. flour, all purpose

    1/2 tsp. baking powder

    1 tsp. baking soda

    1/2 tsp. salt

    1 tsp. cinnamon

    1/2 tsp. nutmeg

    2 c. fresh grated peeled pears (apples may be substituted when pears are not in season)

    1 c. chopped almonds

    1/2 tsp. vanilla

    1/2 tsp. almond flavoring

    Cream sugar, oil; beat in eggs. Sift flour, baking powder, soda, salt and spices. Add grated pears and beat on medium speed until well mixed. Mix in flavorings and almonds until well blended.

    Bake in 2 greased, floured 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pans at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until done to the touch. Make 2 loaves.



    2 pkgs. Dream Whip

    1 lg. pkg. cream cheese

    2 lg. cans pears

    1 lg. pkg. lime Jello

    4 tbsp. milk

    Make Dream Whip and set aside. Mix Jello with 2 cups hot pear juice and set aside. Cream cheese and milk in mixer. Add Jello, mashed pears and beat well. Blend in Dream Whip and put in refrigerator.


    hope this helped and good luck w/ everything  

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