
Have you a platonic love?

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Have you a platonic love?




  1. No ,never liked Plato , never mind loved him

  2. Yes, I have had for many years, i was not aware of this until my marriage failed, and it took me a little while longer to realise just how much a platonic love is so special, and worthy, and never dies.  This man is very very special, and my platonic love for him, and likewise, will never die.

  3. Are you serious, serious?  Well, i love my 2 dogs and that is certainly platonic, but with a woman? Noooooo.

    Mind you, being serious, it is of course possible. There are numerous cases' where one person in a relationship has a medical condition that makes s*x impossible yet has a loving partner. Depends upon how important the s*x act is for each.  Despite the wide spread opinion that it is s*x that makes the world go round, over the years i have met a few couples whose relationship is celibate and they seemed happy enough.

    PS  if your avatar is really you i doubt if there are many guys who would be satisfied with a platonic relationship!

  4. Why are you looking for one?

  5. Yes, in the past I have had.

    Very rewarding it was too.

  6. not ever..

  7. i love my ex platonicly. he's my best buddy = ]

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