
Have you accidentally peed when you unborn baby kicked you bladder?

by  |  earlier

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I am so scared that I am going to. My son has been feet down for 5 weeks now and he kicks my bladder so hard. I am afraid that one of these times when I have a full bladder he is going to kick it and I'm going to have an accident. It has felt almost like it was going to get to that point, I had to run to the bathroom real quick. Anyone else gone through this or actually peed themselves because of their little one?




  1. i did before my twins were born so yeah.i did accident good thing a was at home though or that would have been embarrassing and i felt i had to pee like 20 times but none of those but the 20th time did i don't feel scared just go buy some pads and wear 1 everyday to be on the safe side.

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