
Have you adopted a child? Did it cost a lot? Did you have to go through "hoops"? Adoption memory? Regrets?

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I had some frustrations on the way to adopting, but it is the best thing I ever did!

Is it all good for you?

Anything learned, to share with others?

Are adotions faster now? Easier?




  1. No, but I am adopted.  And if i was never adopted, I would've grown up in a horrible surrounding where all your ambitions are wasted.  Remember that you can save a child's life.

  2. We adopted 7 years ago we had to jump through a lot of hoops and had some frustrations but, I wouldn't change a thing...Our son is 13 now and, I would do it again knowing all I do now......

  3. My youth group is looking for a child to adopt. From organization were adopting this child from, it only costs thirty-six dollars a month. Everyone brings like two dollars a month (there are around twenty teens in the group) to the Wednesday youth ministry and we send it off. Simple.

    The money we send off more than double the family's monthly income!

  4. It was an excellent experience. Hard, because lots of hoops and lots of paperwork, plus lots of money. But we came out the other end with the most wonderful, sweetest little girl (from China) we could have ever imagined.

    They say it's taking a long time again with China. When we adopted (2001) it was taking over a year, then later it dropped to about 6 months, but they say it's back to a year again. For us it was two years start of process to getting Danning.

  5. I think adopting a child should be easy-peasy!

    No hoops.  Just love.

    Too bad Wal-Mart doesn't do them!

  6. Hello there.

    I would like to share some things with you in giving you a response to your question.

    Adoptions are not always easy and can be very hard to handle.

    It all depends on the situation that you are in. How old is the child? What is their background? Are they local or is it a across the seas adoption? And there is is the INS to deal with. Many times you do have to jump through loops and holes, and believe me it's not always easy. I can tell you that from experience, I came  from Russia at the age of 12 and at the age of 17 I was finally adopted. What an experience! Like I said it all depends on the situation. INS (Immigration Neutralization  Services ) in now days can be much more complex due to so many illegal immigrants coming in, and also for the safety of a child the potential parents will have to go through several background checks, lots of paper work, social workers, more paper work, and of course money. You never know what you are up against, so you have to be prepared of the unknown. And the question that you have to ask yourself is, " How convenient  is it and just how willing are you to deal with what is ahead of you?" Adoptions that take place across the seas would be and are difficult. Locals such as step children by another marriage, probably as not as difficult. Because they are citizens and all you probably have to do is go to court get full custody and pay a fee of changing a last name. I could say so much more and ring within your ears. But being long winded by writing you a long response would rather be boring.  

    I do encourage you to seek out some web sites on adoptions and perspectives of many parents who did adopt and perspective of those who where adopted. There are plenty of web sites out there just on adoptions. Hope this helps and I wish you the best.


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