
Have you any examples where a practical joker got his/her comeuppance?

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When I was at Uni, there was a girl in one of the girls' halls of residence who used to play a trick on people who went to visit. She used to put a blob of peanut butter on some toilet paper and leave it on the basin in the toilet. When anyone pointed it out to her in disgust she used to grab it, take some in her mouth and say.."Mmm, not bad."

It turned people's stomachs but she thought it was hilarious.

We told a mate of ours about this and he decided to teach her a lesson. He got some dog-poo from a nearby park, put some on some toilet paper and took it with him. He substituted the dog-poo for the peanut butter and told everyone about his 'find' in the bathroom. The girl did her usual....but instead of the Mmmm we got an almighty...EURGHH!!! She never did it again!




  1. I'm sure I have read one on the Darwin Awards where a joker used to put a gun to head and pull the trigger to shock people at his parties , then one day (yes you have guessed it) he picked the wrong gun up and blew his head off.

  2. lol thats good! we had friends who always played jokes on us so me and my hubby were out one night and pretended to have a row (all pre-arranged) so i said "eat your own s**t ! he then went to the toilet, and put a mars bar he had kept in his pocket to go warm into his pint he came back sat down and took the mars bar (looked just like a t**d ) and ate it.... friends went green as did other people in the pub it was classic and although this didnt stop the practical jokes it just made them more fun and we now try to come up with bigger and better ones all the time

  3. Not a patch on your story, but here it goes. When things are quiet in foreign exchange dealing rooms, dealers indulge in frivolous deals of a private nature. On one such occasion a dealer in London invited a dealer in Frankfurt to bid on a consignment of 2,000 secondhand ties. Relishing what he took to be the English sense of humour, the German entered an exaggerated bid, confident that even if there really were such ties in existence, the agreement would fall through because it would be impossible to deliver them by the following day. Unbeknown to the wretched man, someone from the English bank just happened to be flying to Frankfurt that day and the following morning walked into the Frankfurt dealing room with a suitcase full of secondhand ties -- for which the German dealer had to pay in cash.

  4. LOL that's brilliant way to pay back! wish i could pay back every joker like that...

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