
Have you any plans this weekend to enjoy yourself before next weeks Nuclear War?

by  |  earlier

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As long as Bush is in power, thats gonna happen. When it comes to the big Red Button, lets hope he remembers he`s called Bush and not "Push"




  1. Nope, one day they will nuke each other into oblivion, that'll be the end of human life as we know it, and nature can start again

    Not really a bad thing when you look at what we humans have become, we seem to be on this planet to kill each other, I don't think nature will make that mistake again!!

  2. Just gym.  I hope the Russian army realize that the Olympic is in Beijing China not Georgia.

  3. I'll read questions from paranoid people like you.

  4. As long as those extremists Putin and his puppet are around the world is not safe.Thank god Bush has the resolve to stand up to the bully boys

  5. yes..Ill read your funny Q's

  6. gonna watch ' threads ' to prepare for the nuke onslaught

  7. ooh,well i'm building a sweet *** bunker as we speak/type,a mere whole in the ground in will not be...i'm talking mini fridge,few velvet throws..i'm currently looking over colour charts..i've decided on green,i'm torn between lime or sage green at the mo..hmmm.

    I'm not sure wether a fallout from a nuclear attack on Russia will reach us in Ireland....but i just aint taking any chances you know.

    Now,how do you feel about some battery operated fairy lights,give the place a funky vibe and all that..i know,i should prolly reserve batteries for important *yawn* things like flashlights,radio's etc..but a little home/bunker pride is a good thing,No?  

  8. Yes! I'm pissed hopefully I can get some s*x in, and then hide in the wardrobe with the kids...good times.

  9. No, I have to work so I can pay more taxes so I can accomplish my goal to eliminate the deficit. I am running out of sweat though! A thought though, If we did have a nuclear war, would that eliminate the deficit!? LOL. If so Party on Wayne!

  10. Wtf?

  11. I need to think of something quick because the count down has begun!

  12. Funny. A while back someone on here said that the world was going to end on Aug. 8 2008. But we are still here.

  13. Nah, I don't want to spend the money on gas... I'm cheap.

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