
Have you arranged to and then met up with someone in a dream?

by  |  earlier

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I can't remember what it is a called, but you make a plan with your bed partner to meet at a certain place in a planned dream.

For example: both go to the beach and meet at 5pm at the BBQ shack.




  1. Though ive never made plans to actually meet up with someone, it has happened on its own...I astral quite lot, and was picked up twice by the same friend who took me to a place of interest, both times, he is a living person, ive also been grabbed out by people that have passed away, and taken me to places, where i was able to interact with other spirits.....Ive been on some wild journeys....But people can plan to meet up, but takes much practice.....This one friend who is really close and came and got me astrally, also saved my life once, while i was completely unconscious and in danger, he came to me astrally, and got me to wake up, i could see him as clear as day in my mind, i woke up after a long battle, and was able to escape out of there, and he was hundreds of miles away at the time, how he knew ill never know........

  2. I don't astral travel..but I've heard that people can meet up like this through astral travel. I'd be interested to hear about anyone who did.

  3. no, but i have, i giv3 you my honest word, been in a vision where someone just appeared, not when i was sleeping, but rather, out of dream state - i had been lying in bed about five minutes, i am an insomniac and cannot fall asleep for literally an hour after lying down, but as i lay there with my eyes open just five minutes, suddenly a vision came to me and in it there was a lady of a different color than me, i say not the color to protect racial views, she was a pretty big lady, idk, how big, but she was only about as tall as me. she put her arm on my shoulder and said, "what's your name, dear, so we can add it to the list" it was daylight in the vision, and she was wearing a sky blue long-sleeve, fleece-type sweater. as soon as she said this, the vision ended immediately, and i was back in my room.

  4. No, but as a child I flew or maybe astral travelled because even as a child it surprised me especially as I always landed in bed with a big bump after a falling feeling.

    I remember somehow floating out of bed above our house and flying into town looking down on the shops I knew, it was great fun, then returning home and landing in bed.

    That was a long time ago and I don't think I have done it since.

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