
Have you attended a Masquerade Ball?

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Masquerade Ball

Dance you've forced me to attend,

horrid mask you thrust upon me.

Mask of The Great Impostor,

one whom I never chose to be.

You look at me, see great things,

things I know well I am not.

Hard task of being what you view,

leaves me in peril fraught.

I'm many things, this I know to be true

but what I'm not, I make clear.

To let you down would break my heart

Alas, it's my greatest fear.

I beg you, allow me remove this mask,

won't you embrace me for who I am?

Nothing more, nothing less, is all I ask.

Please free me from living this sham.




  1. Ah, but who isn't forced to masquerade at some point in their life? Maybe people do try to embrace you for who you really are, and maybe who you really are is more than you realize (by now you should realize that this is true at least to some extent). It's hard for anyone (even ourselves sometimes) to accurately see who we are.

    BTW, I actually did attend a masquerade ball for Juvenile Diabetes a few years back as I knew one of the honorees.


  2. i went as Ted Kennedy

  3. Allow Me to be Me,,,Not Who I'm Made Up to Be

    All I Want is to be Free,,,Free to Be Me

    Yeah Ma ,,,I like Who your trying to Be,,,,,,,Yourself

    Nothing more Nothing less,,,Good Job Ma  

  4. Sing Loud, Sing Strong ....

    I got to be me .....

    Great piece Ma.

    Speaks to so many of the constraints that are placed on us by society and especially friends & family

  5. This is a really great poem that reveals the depths of the heart. I am a true proponent of being "who we are" and believe that we're at our happiest when we take those masks off.. As for a costume party. I only attended one in my life and I actually got all dressed up and showed up on the wrong night!

  6. You have said something most of the people in this Virtual Universe feel deep inside. You have done it in excellent poetry.

  7. Once again, another excellent poem.  Once again, another delightful read.

  8. ma, Needless to say...I relate..A LOT...Forced to read, several times !!!

  9. It's just poetry, ma.

  10. PP: Oh, c**p...this is too good for me to be funny.

  11. Great poem Ma.

    I never went to a Masquerade Ball.  Only Halloween parties.LOL

  12. Your poem was poignant and revebrerated

    the thoughts and actions of someone not accepted for who they are. It poses the question should you profess your love for someone who finds you unacceptable.

    A poetic reeking of severe asperity.

    Impostor - A person who makes deceitful pretenses

    fraught - Marked by distress

    peril - A source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

    embrace - Include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory

    sham - A person who makes deceitful pretenses

  13. This is an excellent poem, touches me as well as many others.

    The poet part of you is valid and strong, and we may see you more clearly because of it.

  14. Eleanor Rigby sends her regards for this fine offering ma. She knows where you are at.

    I also hear echoes of Karen Carpenter signing Masqerade. (George Benson did a great cover too)  

  15. Wow very nicely done, I loved this, and Searching for the Right words right now besides the ones I have written!

    I enjoyed this it made me feel many emotions sad,  happy, sympathetic, oh my this was a good one! thanks for sharing!


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