
Have you been able to communicate with your soldier in Afghanistan?

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I had been talking consistently to my friend who's in the Army and deployed to Afghanistan. He even paid for internet access in his room so he was always able to talk pretty regularly. Then all of a sudden he just hasn't returned any emails or anything and I am pretty sure nothing bad has happened to him. He is in the medical field so he is usually pretty safe but it is just unlike him to be out of touch and it's been almost 2 months since I've heard from him. Can you think of any explanations for this?




  1. hmm i have no idea. my fiance is over there and i hear from him every day or every other day at least, sometimes multiple times a day. the only times i dont hear from him (like right now) is when he goes on retarded missions through the retarded mountains for a retarded 2 week long period >.< haha sorry im frustrated.

    umm another reason i wont hear from mine is because when there is a casualty, they shut off the phones and internet for several days... idk but i doubt either of those reasons is why he cant talk.

    ohh also sometimes people accidently break the modem over there.. idk lots of retarded reasons

  2. Chances are he's no longer at a base. He's probably out in the field where they have extremely limited access to phones/internet. Try sending him an e-mail with you address so if he by chance gets time to check his e-mail he can grab your address & actually write if he gets time.

  3. He may not be on the base. He may be out in the Field where there is no internet access...No news is usually good news..

    Be well  

  4. I'm not sure about medical field but I know that my buddy in Iraq will not be able to log on for weeks at a time. They get restationed to another post etc.

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