
Have you been financially struggling more now then 6 months ago?

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or if you are a teenager, have you noticed if your parents are having a hard time compared to 6 months ago...or any time frame really. the reason i ask is, my husband and i are basically "lower middle class" i guess. and up until about 6 months ago, we were making it pretty well. i mean, we lived within our means with a little bit of "play money"...not much but we weren't ever really broke. i am a dental tech and make $20/hour but have only been working 1 day a week because the business is very slow. (i have a long commute so its easier to work 1 day then a couple hours every day). he is a printer and has been laid off of 3 jobs in the past 6 months. it also seems like everyone we talk to is having this kind of problem. but I'm wondering if its a local problem or everywhere? we live near detroit. its really worrying me because where we always had money for our needs, I'm having to be real creative with grocery shopping, i don't drive unless necessary, my in-laws had to help with school things for my kids, and we've been selling off items of value (that we didn't use anyways) for money for basic things. i have never lived like this. we don't have drug problems and we don't buy expensive things... we are generally responsible people. anyone relate to this? if you can say where you are from that would be helpful as well.




  1. I am soo sorry to hear how things are going for you. I will pray for you.  My husband and I have been having the same problems.  There are 5 of us and we were making it well. No money leftover for wants or play but all of our bills are paid, and never behind.  It seems like lately though we can sometimes not even meet our needs.  Like trash bags and shampoo.  They did hour cut backs at his work and $900.00 a month just isn't enough for all of us to get buy.  We are responsible  as well. We do not have credit cards or buyu anything we can not pay for in full at the time of purchase. No drinking drugs we don't eat out.  I don't get my hair and nails done nothing. It is just the prices are getting higher and the pay and hours are lower.

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