
Have you been present at an Historic event? I was at Heathrow for Concorde's First EVER passenger flight!?

by  |  earlier

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It certainly was about 1976, it was a fantastic sight but the lasting memory was how noisy it was on take off




  1. I was at the Oval  when England won the Ashes in 2005

  2. No. I thought i had been but then i remembered i'd just watched it on TV.

  3. Jeez, you are showing your age!  Didn't that happen in 1976?

  4. first ever road traffic accident involving a cruis emissle!!

  5. I saw Steve Irwin catch his first ever crocodile ............

    EDIT - Saturn five - Much like Gerry expressing genuine emotion for his missing daughter, that event will never happen!

  6. in omaha nebraska- offut afb, the space shuttle (can't remember which one) landed piggy-back on a jet for refueling. i thought that was pretty significant. also, i was in omaha on Sept. 11 when president monkey boy was hiding here.

  7. The launch of the QE2

  8. Walking home from school I witnessed Harold Macmillan on his first speech as PM from the town hall, first Concord test flight from Bristol flew over my bedsit, watched Churchill's funeral.

  9. I hope to be" present" When my old advisory Dave s Admits he was wrong .....

    I do not care about what, anything will do !

  10. yes i have been to a historic event one of my own making

    i bought a round fore the hole bar sad enit

  11. I had a close up view of the first man into space Yuri Gagarin when he visited Manchester in the 60's. He waved to myself and my friend Pauline.

  12. I was in the 'most whoopie cushions sat on at once' record, though that's not that incredible.

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