
Have you been scammed from a psychic about a love spell?

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I just recently gotten scammed from a love spell. I can't believe that one would play with someones emotions like that. Then because I was SO emotional I guess you can I was just blinded. Has this happened to someone else? Can you direct me to a place that is REAL and don't play with people.




  1. I have heard that many times.  Its truely unfortunate.  I feel for you.  The only witch that I know of that actually does cast spells is  Other than that, I dont know of anyone real.  Best of luck to you dear.

  2. There are cyber covens that will cast with you for free if your intentions are pure. Witch Forum has people that come together as a community to help each other. Pretty much like focused prayer. Hope this helps :)

  3. No but I have a brain.

  4. I once called a phone psychic who sounded borderline to me, like she was giving a canned reading (that is, a "reading" where the scammer just says a bunch of stuff that is really general and would apply to almost anyone like "you are a kind and generous peroson on the inside...") It was only about $20 so not that big of a loss. She suggested I could solve my problem by paying her $200 for a "relationship cleansing" spell. I told her I would think it over, then just went and cast the spell myself for maybe $5 worth of material since I knew how to do a spell in that vein. I suppose it was worth the suggestion. is a site I've used when a problem was too big for me to handle alone, and I was quite satisfied with the results.  

  5. According to folklore, you can steal the shoes of your love interest and wear them for eight days and nights to make them fall for you.

    If you don't know who your love interest is, balance your shoes in the shape of a "T" in your window before bed and you will dream of the one you're meant to be with.

    I only know about shoes though. :P

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