
Have you been shown a house when the current occupants were present at the time of your showing?

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It seems to me that the current owners/occupants should NOT be there when the house is being shown. But if they are there anyway, what kind of interaction and conversation is appropriate? How do I avoid awkwardness?




  1. It may be awkward, but by having them there, you can learn alot about the property.  Sellers love to talk about what they have done and you may be able to find out stuff that were a problem.  Like remodeling work (was there a permit), etc.

  2. Yes. In fact, for the one I'm buying, it was a rental condo and the tenant let us in. Our buyer's agent was there, but not the selling agent. It seemed a little awkward at first. But, they actually provided us with good information about the place, since they had lived there for a year.

  3. Usually the current owners leave or stay out of your way.  However, if it were me I'd look at this as great news.  After all, they are the ones that live there and know about the house.  They probably know the utility bills, the neighbors, the age of the neighbor's kids,  why the big truck is parked across the street, how they get to work.  

    On the other hand, if you don't want them around ask them a questions like, "does that big screen TV stay".   They will probably disappear fairly quickly (and you might get a TV you didn't plan on getting.)

  4. After a polite hello to the agent they should stay out of the way.   You are not there for a social call.

  5. They usually aren't there, but if the house is still occupied they might be.  If they are there, they will most likely know more about the house than the Realtor does.  Anyone selling a house in this market place is going to be a motivated seller, so ask any questions you want.

  6. I have shown a rental where the current renters were there.  I cleared it with the renters in advance and neither they nor the new prospective renters cared.  It worked out great as the old renters gave a good review of the place and the new ones did end up taking the place (I even went in the other room so they could talk a bit).  Hey, you show the place when you can and I had nothing to hide, but it could just have easily hurt me (if the old renters had hated the place).  

    Anyhow, not sure what is appropriate but again, you show the place when you can and do the best you can to get new renters in there.

  7. Yes, and I prefer they not be there. It is one big reason I don't show FSBO's. We're licensed and insured business people and I won't show a property if the homeowner is there.

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