
Have you been sucidal?

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and did you try?

some part of me keeps telling me to take a load of pills tomorrow.

But the another part keeps telling me to keep going.




  1. Yes and Yes, obviously it didn't work. I may get a lot of thumbs down for this but, if you want to, do it. It's no use suffering, if you don't want to, get help.

  2. well dont do that.when i was in eighth grade i took like 10 sleeping pills and then i realized omg what did i do,i want to live!so get the idea outta ur head.

  3. i jumped off a cliff and hit the ground and exploded, the next thing i new i was on this planet with all of these strange creatures called humans

  4. have been and still are just trying to hang in for my family really!

    yeah ive tried plenty of times i jsut get found! i manly take a load of pills when i do but its a horrible thing to go through all you do is be sick non stop for ages and its just needles after needles and then you gota see some crappy counciller person! but if something is telling you to kep going its probaly best to mayby get some help or some thing nad keep going! as it may just happen due to a bad moment and you may regret it! im here if you need to talk as well ok!

    stay strong hun! x*x

  5. Well the great thing about each day we have a chance to change what needs changing. Even when we think nothing can be changed we have that chance to see they really can. Yes i did try and kill my self and my adult son stopped me, I'm here and my life is different thank god or who ever. Keep going ring who you need to to get help or someone to talk to even, go see a doctor they can help. KEEP TRYING !!  I will think good thoughts for you.

  6. Nope

  7. Yes, I was suicidal. I didn't try, just because of something my history teacher once said: "Life is far too precious to do a thing like that". It was completely casual and she didn't make it a big deal, so I don't know why it hit me so hard.

    Just remember, when you feel like that, you're depressed, and that's a state of mind. You may think you have nothing to live for, but there's just a door in your head blocking you from seeing all your potential to go on.

    Please seek help. I know I got better because of my wonderful therapist.

    Good luck! You have a lot to live for.

  8. I have had suicidal thoughts in the past but I don't think I would ever actually kill myself.

  9. Yes I've been that way many times.

    And no, I've never tried to hurt myself.

    I just keep telling myself that if I wants to quit this life, I'd better come up with a bunch of darn good reason to do so. And there was never such reason.

  10. Trust me I know exactly how you feel. I have been suicidal for the past 3 years. I still am. You could try and talk to someone. A counsellor or psychologist. If you see your local doctor they can refer you to someone. But I talked to several people like that during the past 3 years and nothing helped. Sometimes it seemed like it was helping but then I turn around and start cutting myself again. It is my way of dealing with life.

    It could just be a rough patch your going through even if it is a long one. But just dont do anything too rash just because you have a really bad day, things do get better over time. Most of the time anyway.

    I wish you the best of luck :)

  11. I was a few months ago..getting better..i just remember being so worn out, i had a load of pills in my hand, but something told me not to..Just take it day by day.

  12. Yes, I have tried many times, mostly by overdosing. I regret it SSOOO much, it hurt my family so bad and only made me feel worse. I know that taking pills can sometimes seem like quite a 'romantic' way to go, but in effect this is what happens: you get intense pain, you start vomiting and get uncontrollable diarhoae, you get taken to hospital where they either force you to drink charcoal which is DISGUSTING or they put a tube down your throat and pump your stomach. It hurts. Then you have a h**l of a lot of people asking over and over whats going on trying to help you or the hospital staff can sometimes treat you rudely. All to be put in a mental ward for a while or released to your terrified parents. Don't do it.  

  13. yes but fortunately i've been able to resist those feelings if only for my parents sake.

  14. Hi,

    yes I have been suicidal. I know it's an awful place to be mentally and I am sorry you are going through it, as are so many people. I did try to commit suicide earlier this year but was infact found before it was too late, I don't know if I regret it but I know I haven't tried again even though I have felt very bad at times, so perhaps I learned it wasn't the right thing. Plus I seen how it effected the people around me too when I was lying in a hospital bed.

    If you feel this way my advice would be to go and get help, ring the out of hours doctor and ask to speak to someone on the mental healthteam or if you already have someone and you can wait, ring first thing in the morning, you need someone to talk to who will give you the appropriate support.

    suicide has no room for doubts and because you have them then the answer is clear that it is definately not what you want or what you should do.

    please get help, it's not too late and there sounds like a part of you really wants to live but that your just having a really hard time doing that.

    best of luck


  16. No. No matter how depressed I have felt, no matter how low I have felt, I have never contemplated suicide. That doesn't go to say I look down on people who have contemplated or even attempted suicide. I just feel I cannot put my lover and my family through that.

    Please, do not take those pills tomorrow. Keep going. Life is one big challenge, it's true. Nobody knows what may happen tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. You may wake up feeling miserable tomorrow, but in a few months, you may wake up thanking yourself you didn't end your life. Do you want depression to beat you? Do you want to give up and let it win? You are better than that. You have said in your additional details "those feelings fade, and I'm happy". It goes to show that you CAN be happy. All is not lost. You have the ability to be happy because you can be happy. Remember the last time you laughed, had a nice time. You might struggle to remember but you will remember a moment. Think of the people you were with whilst remembering that moment. Think of how devastated they would be if you went away and never came back. Is it worth it?

    If you haven't already, go and get help from your GP. Talk to friends, family, loved ones who will help you get through this depression. Please refrain from taking your own life - do your absolute best to pull yourself out of depression.  

  17. i have been suicidal and yes i did try, 3 times.

    i wouldnt recommend taking loads of pills. by the time you take enough to cause damage you will be sick or pass out and all that will happen is you will fall asleep and wake up feeling like c**p. also you will cause damage to your liver which can kill you very slowly and painfully.....

    try and listen to the part of you telling you to keep going.

    there is a difference between feeling suicidal and intending to commit suicide. if you feel like you are going to atempt it, get someone to take you to A&E as there is someone from the mental health liason team there 24/7, who can really help you in a crisis. they will be able to discuss options with you and you will be able to stay there until you feel safe.

    good luck, keep fighting x*x

  18. Yes I have, I had it all planned out and every day I would tell myself that I only had to get through one more day and if I couldn´t then I would check out,  It was comforting thought that I could end my life any time I wanted.  It wasn´t really that I wanted to die forever, I just wanted to sleep for about 5 years, check out of life and then step back in. But of course death is a one way street and there is no checking back in once you check out.  I sought help and had therapy for about 2 years once a week and it was the best thing I ever did, it saved my life.  This was about 20 years ago.  It doesn´t mean that I never feel down or get depressed it just means that I can accept how I feel as being part of me and I know it will pass.

    So don´t do it get help, life is worth living. God bless xx

  19. yes i have, i had it all planned, note written.

    someone amazing stopped me, he literally is the reason im alive.

  20. yes - i have severe depression. i have never tried, but i am surprised i haven't, as i have thought about it in so much depth - i made plans, researched methods. i suppose i'm desperately trying to hang on.

    i'm plagued by suicidal thoughts almost every day.


  21. i've not only been sucicidal and attempted, I am also a suvivor of suicide.

    I totally believe that is what keeps me from try again whenever i get those feelings...and they are severely strong. I must turn to my support (friends/family) when i am at my lowest of all. If unable to contact them or possibly embaressed then i call the suicide prevention hotline or our local hospital for support.

    If this keeps happening to you i am suggesting that you seek professional help. if you have that already then i suggest you let your MD know asap. Bless you.

  22. I did try, twice !!  And I'm so glad I didn't carry it through!!  Life has a funny habit of throwing you in a direction you would never expect, and I am now happier than I ever thought possible.  So if there is hope for a lifelong depressive such as me then there is hope for anyone !!  Being up one minute and down the next is pretty much the way I was.. One minute i'd be bouncing of the walls with excitement the next i'd be at the bottom of the garden trying to hang myself.  It does get better, tyry to get help, counselling etc.  This benifited me more than anything else, except for hte support of my family, once they'd got over the "Cheer up, it isn't that bad" stage. Well I know it's been a while since i've answered anything on here, but I  am still about, and I can do my best to help.  Give me a yell if you fancy a chat, or if you just need someone to bounce off. xxxx Ian

  23. I went through 6 years of domestic violence, physical abuse, sexual abuse and mental abuse became part of a daily routine for me. Every day for me was a dark day, wondering what was going to happen to me next, I started self harming, and thoughts of committing suicide entered my mind so many times a day. At one point, I cut myself so bad, I thought I was in trouble. It was only at this point, that i thought about all the people around me that loved me and needed me around. That gave me the strength to fight my illness and the IDIOT that was putting me through the c**p. 3 years on, I'm very happy and living my life.

    Please, just think about all the important people and things in your life and fight it.. not just for them, but for YOURSELF. You will start to feel better and stronger.

    Good Luck xx

  24. I've had suicide thoughts and kind of a plan. The thing is I was to depressed to carry it out which is probably why I'm still here and I"m glad to be here. I think everyone gets that feeling once in a while. The good side is that there is help available to anyone who needs it.  

  25. Yes I get reactive depression and only once I have had a knife at my jugular but never self harmed or broken my skin on purpose. When you can rationalise your thoughts you can control depression.

  26. keep going ! trust be it will get better. i was severely depressed for around 7 years and did try on occasions. i am amazed i made it but am glad i did. its your life so do what you love doing.. if you are unhappy in your job change it . theres no point in being sad no matter how bad things get they can only get worse ! good luck and please keep going !

  27. A lot of people feel that way.  We live in a high stress society and it's not uncommon to want to escape it all, when we feel like it's too much.

    I've been that way too for a long time, sometimes I still get an "emotionally suicidal" moment.

    BUT I know I would never do it, because I came to the realisation of the logic that nothing would improve by me dying.  At least if I keep going, there's the chance that everything will work out!

    Plus, if you focus your positive intention towards yourself and others, I find that helps give you strength to keep going.

    Your happiness is possible, we are capable of it, no matter how sad you are right now there is a way.  Keep strong, and be nice to yourself!

  28. why would you want to do that anyway, and no i never have been suicidal and i never will be.  

  29. yes and i confided in my boyf who called me selfish and went mad making me feel worse. he sed i was mental and a psycho and wot not which did not help. people are ashamed of feelin this way but obviously it is common, life is very hard and sometimes we wonder why do we carry on when all it is is stress. you do feel better eventually after time and shoud try and be positive even though that can be impossible. xx

  30. Instead of encouraging you not to commit suicide, I'm going to answer your question.

    Yes. you are not the only one.

  31. contemplated it never tried found happiness and purpose in life
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