
Have you been to Italy?

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I'm thinking of a trip to Tuscany. If you've been, please tell me what you thought. Plus, do you know where to stay with resonable prices? The Euro thing confuses me.....





  1. OMG I LOVED IT!!! It kinda stunk.. there was a lot of garbage in some areas but ya... its cool though =) I stayed at my aunts hosue so i couldn't tell you the prices lol

  2. i go always there, i am also half italian...

    reasonble prices, you have to search them through internet or if you have local people, because to tell you the truth through travel agencies it is quite difficult to get good prices unles oyu go in an organised tour...

    The cities of major interest are more expensive...

    check here .com

    and bear in mind that you must avoid eating in the historical centres, the prices are hign, and not always good quality.

    Prefere where the locals go or in smal restuarants called osterie trattorie...

  3. Yeah I loved it. I went to Florence in 2004. It was great. The architecture was marvelous. People are also nice and friendly. Its definitely worth making a trip.

    For hotels I would suggest following sites.

    If you fancy hostels then visit (Hostels are cheapest accommodation available.

  4. Tuscany is a beautiful region of Italy, with a lot of history to it. If you fancy drinking wine and hiking through midieval castles, it's the place to go. We stayed in Siena, which is a good launch place for seeing a lot of the smaller towns in the nearby countryside. I'd recommend trying to find a smaller inn, such as staying at a family's actual residence (they had about 3 extra bedrooms). It worked out great, and they cooked breakfast for us.

    However, if you want cheap, bare necessities and a great opportunity to meet other travelers, do the hostel route.  Just google "hostels italy" and you'll have a ton of options.I love staying in hostels, because you save a lot of money as well as meeting some interesting people.

    As for the Euro, I think the rate is about 2:1 right now. Basically, double most of the rates you'll see and thats the conversion to US dollars.

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