
Have you been to/had a Friday wedding?

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If so, how did it go? What time was the the wedding?

My fiance and I are getting married on August 13, 2010 which lands on a friday. Yes, I know, Friday the 13th. Trust me, that date is perfect for us in every way no matter what people say. Anyway, I was thinking of having it about 5 so guest could still go to work half the day if they would like. But then I'm worried about rush hour traffic. And we want it to still be light out after a half hour ceremony. Any ideas? Thank you so much!




  1. my wedding will be on friday, oct 3 of this year. Its at 2:00 in the afternoon, so our guests have to take off for work if they decide to come, but it was the only time available for our venue and the place only has enough room to seat family. We told everyone MONTHS ahead of time that it was on a friday, so, they all had plenty of time to work it into thier schedule. Everyone invited is coming, even several family members from out of town! Its your wedding, which is a big deal, so Im sure you wont have any problems! Check with your ceremony site to see what times are available. good luck!

  2. I've been to a few Friday weddings and am actually going to another one on the 28th. Most had been between 5:30p and 6:00p start times (this one is 5:30). The only thing about Friday weddings is the work issue and (where we live) traffic. Some people are pretty tired after working all day and you may loose people earlier in the evening. However, Friday is a very popoular day because you can recooperate all weekend, which is a bonus.

    With my job I can't usually take time off without plenty of notice and even then there are times when I end up staying on anyway. If you give people plenty of notice it shouldn't be a problem.

    Good luck!

  3. 2010?!! congratulations and good luck with your wedding.

    friday weddings are good, if you can make it around 7.30 ish at night, that way its a night wedding, you can light up the house, and the guests wont have to worry about missing work and less rush hour.

  4. My cousin had a Friday wedding and it was great. The ceremony was at 4.30 and reception followed at the same venue at 6. Most people took the day off (3 day weekend!) the others just finished work at lunch time. This way they bet the traffic and still had enough light for their photos.  

  5. It only matter that it is convienent for you. If they want to be there great. If fewer show up, FABULOUS! Have you gotten to that point yet? LOL where you would be happy making some uncomfortable b/c those who care the most WILL be there and it will cut costs?  

  6. We're getting married on July 12, 2009, which is a Friday. We have a venue that is on the ocean and also pretty close to where most people work, and the rest of the people will be coming from out of town. Most of the out-of-towners are family, so we're having the ceremony at 6 ... enough time for locals to arrive on time if they leave straight from work, but if they want to, they can skip the ceremony, go home and change, and then come to the reception, which will go late into the night. I would have it at 6 instead of 5 if I were you.

    * Also, I checked that on that date, the sun will set in our city at nearly 8 p.m., so we have plenty of sunlight after a 6 p.m. ceremony. Check when sunset will be on that day and plan accordingly. (I just googled it.)

  7. My wedding was on a Friday evening (7:15 pm). I say go for it. Besides, you are probably saving money by not having it on Saturday or Sunday.

  8. Wow you have plenty of time to plan calm down

  9. We had a friday wedding, our Reception started at 7:00 and ended at Midnight. The church was at 5:30. Alot of people  showed up at the church though, it all depends on the person and if they are working or not, or have decided to take a half a day. We didn't have any traffic problems, ironically. The directions we gave them all was through the backroads, so no highway was needed.  

  10. We are having our wedding on a Friday at 4pm.

    it will still be light enough to have photos after the ceremony.

  11. Ive been to a friday wedding.  It was packed and Im sure the couple saved a lot of money doing so.  If you give people advanced warning they will make it out.  I knoew only 2 months  before and I was able to call of work and get their on time.  Also being that it is summertime a lot of people have more flexible schedules anyways

  12. I have been to lots of Friday weddings.  usually the ceremony is at 5:30 and the reception follows at 6;30.  But, be prepared for people to not take a half of day at work, not attend your ceremony and only come to the reception. It's just something you have to know when planning a Friday night wedding.

  13. My cousin got Married on a Friday afternoon about 5.30pm and had the ceremony close to the reception venue so that traffic wasn't going to cause a major issue.

  14. That is fine. Lots of people have friday weddings. Friday and Saturday are the days most weddings are held. I think you should have the ceremony around 5. And maybe a cocktail/reception after.

    If you send the RSVP early people will know to get out of there work early.  

  15. I would suggest that you put it a little bit later in the day, if only to avoid traffic. I don't know where you're from, but if rush hour traffic is in your vocabulary, then you need to take it into consideration.

    If you had the ceremony around 7 o'clock, that would allow people to not miss any work and even catch some dinner beforehand. The sun doesn't set until well after 8, so you could begin the festivities and still have a decent amount of daylight to work with.

    I think it's kind of silly to work your wedding around the guests' work schedules, but if that's a priority then make it later so they don't have to take time off at all. Even if traffic was bad, they could skip dinner and go straight to the ceremony. I think most people would rather not take a half day just to wait for a wedding at 5.

    Whatever way you choose to do it, I'm sure it'll be spectacular! Good luck and enjoy yourself! Do what you and your fiance want and everything will fall into place.


  16. Calm down you still have a year to go!

    I would have the ceremony around 6:30 or 7 to avoid rush hour traffic!

    Plus if some of the guest are leaving from work to come to your wedding,they have time to change and to get their!

    Even if you start a 6p.m

    Nothing worst to listen to people walking in during your vows!

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