
Have you been to hajj? What was the experience like?

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I want to go so BADLY it's unbelievable




  1. I haven't been to hajj but my parents have

  2. i know a whole lot of ppl that have been.. for example, my sister, parents, brothers in law, aunts, uncles...

    and inshallah i would lovee to go too, but i have to be financially ready. when i get the chance, i will..inshAllah

  3. what kind question is this?

    a muslim love to go to hajj!!

  4. Yes I have Done hajj And Umrah as well !

    Last time i was there was back in 1998 and Experience was very very good ! Just cant explain how Happy i was ! Plus the People IN Mecca and Madina are very Very friendly as compared to the rest of the Arabian peninsula !

  5. Yeah, Alhamdulillah!

    It was great, but not a bed of roses. It's so crowded, and we got lost on the Eid day. We had set out before Fajr (3:00a.m), and kept walking and walking till past midnight. At 2:30a.m, we reached our tent. And the whole time, we had been walking. We walked and walked till our legs got cramped, and feet blistered. Still, we had to keep walking. It's easier than taking a conveyance. That takes even longer!  And there is always the danger of losing ur family members due to the crowd. I witnessed several people fainting (they were carried away by the police) due to lack of oxygen in open spaces in crowded areas. I didn't personally see any deaths due to the crowd, but several people told me that they had. That's just why it has been declared equal to Jihad.

    But there are many cool things too. There is never any food shortage. Clean, drinkable water is abundant. Zamzam water is available. People are cooperative. If u keep walking along the walls, u usually don't get squeezed to a pulp by huge African men and women. Even though there were many problems, it was such a wonderful spiritual experience that I'd love to go once again! I hope that I may. (Ameen). We'll both pray for each other sis.!

    There are some really funny people there too. I overheard a man saying to another on:"O God, I saw those two fellows circling the Ka'abah, and talking in English! Actually using that kafir language near the Holy Ka'abah! They have no shame."

  6. Yes, I have done it and it was such a great experience, I never really understood how great Hajj is till I have done it.

    I went 3 years ago hamdellah. I did it really late considering that I live in Jeddah, one hour from Makkah.

    My advise, that if you wanna go, try to go soon, before Hajj goes into the summer days. 2009 or 2010 might be the last 2 years with good weather.

    You feel that you literally throw the whole world behind your back, and go into a mission, a trip dedicated to Islam or God. Everyone else is equal, everyone do the same rituals, say the same things and wear the same clothes.

    Yes, you might decide to go to 2 stars camp or 7 stars, but this is only where you sleep and eat and the buses of transportation. When you do the rituals themselves, a multi-billionaire walks shoulder to shoulder with the poorest man.

    You feel so much peace, and you know if anything bad happen, you will have a great end of life. So, it becomes one of the few moments that you will feel you can be ready for an end, you might have the common fear, but you don't really fear the idea of it.

    You feel that you went long way to do these rituals, so you get into the mood of worshiping God. Though you can be very exhausted and tired, but you welcome it and go into deep inner peace.

    Plus if you think of it, it is the prayer of Abraham, to keep this place blessed. So, it is like an annual muslim conference for muslims to meet from all over the world, and it is to keep Makkah as a blessed city.

    It worth mentioning, that if you went there, you need to get in touch with some people who went, for simple tips of safety and staying healthy. If you ever thought of going, you can email me, and I can tell you want I know.

  7. you should go

    i have been in OMRA and it was incredible feeling to see...

    i hope inshallah to go soon in HAJJ

  8. I'm not muslim so no, but I do know a few people who have and they all said, it is extremely unorganized initially(by western standards), when you get there but once you are inside, it is absolutely incredible.  

  9. Yes .

    how wonderfull it was!!

    about 3 years back with my father and 2 sis and 1 bro.

    yes but you have to walk long long distences,can you imagine that the day of eid was our worst day in the whole hajj,becoz you will not believe that I was 11 and i walked all the day continuously we did make tawaf and then to jamarat and then to masjid khaif and then to our camp which was lost......................we woke in the morning 4 o'closck and walk till 1 o'clock at neight you will not beleive but that is true,we just sat some times(in prayer ).

    so be carefull just have long walk all the time so you will not be tiered there,dont say i will go in car there is so much crowd that the car is not allowed some times!!!!

    But over all the hajj was wonderfull we always laugh remembrering our selves the way in which we were walking, tired and worn out!

  10. no, but i really really want to go, my grandma did and she wants to go again  

  11. no i havnt

  12. No.

    But I KNOW its amazing!

  13. yes i went last December. Overall it was a great experience, however i would like to go again because I think having the experience of the first hajj would make a second one easier.  It can get discouraging to see certain things and people behaving badly, and if you do not expect it,  it can be quite a shock.  From a purely spiritual point of view it is fantastic.  Being in Makkah and Medina is really awesome and doing the rituals of hajj really charges your spiritual batteries so to speak.  If you have the chance to go, do not delay it.  

  14. Yes, I went for Hajj last year for the first time and Alhamdulillah completed it.

    My experience cannot be explained as it is too beautiful to remember. I will try my best to write it as concisely as possible and outline the best things that have happened to me in my entire life. It brings me back to tears when I am reminded how lucky I was to be one of the 3 million people Guests of Allah. I set out from home with my father, chanting the familiar "Labbaik Allahuma Labbaik." We then joined a number of Saudis and set of to Mecca by bus. We were heading to the biggest gathering in the world: Hajj.

    We reached there and did the first Tawaf (for some of us, we completed the Umrah first). We then set off to Mina, where we stayed for two nights. We prepared ourselves for the climax of Hajj: the Wuqf or Standing of Arafah. Here is where you will wish that time stop and you may stay there forever asking for forgiveness from Allah. Here is where 3 million people are gathered in one place, asking constantly for forgiveness and repent themselves. You will cry as hard as you will ever cry in your life, for the feeling there cannot be described at all. The peacefulness, the tranquility, the brotherhood. It was indeed, a one in a lifetime experience.

    We then went on to the next places: Mudzalifah and Mina where we are required to complete the next rituals. We were to stay in Mudzalifah for half a night and then proceed to Mina where the hardest part lies: the stoning of the Devil. Alhamdulillah, due to the newly improved system of the Jamrah, we were able to perform the stoning safely and at ease. We then stayed for three consecutive days in Mina for the next rites.

    Hajj may wonder you in many ways. I will share one experience that I still brings me back smiling and proud to be a Muslim. I was praying the Maghrib prayers and will you believe it, in every single direction, a different person from a different part of the world was doing the same thing the 3 million of us were. On my right was a Chinese, on my left was an Indian. In front of me was a Turkish, and behind me was an Arab. We were all there, bowing and prostrating in front of the same thing, facing the Ka'bah and following one Imam, regardless of our race, culture, color and language were. For the first time in my life, I saw with my own eyes the true brotherhood in Islam and the great beauty of my religion.

    Alhamdulillah, I have completed Hajj and would like to do it again one day, Insha Allah.

    May Allah guide us all.

  15. My oldest uncle went, now he's not that much into entertainment anymore, for example, he has no more interest in going to weddings and stuff like that.

    My dad's planning on going next year, and I'm still young.

  16. No I have not been to hajj,but InshaAllah one day I will.

  17. My first Haj was in 1988. It was a wonderful experience. The previous year I had gone to a Haj camp (Musafirkhana where Hajees stay before proceeding to Haj) at Mumbai and spent time with them for helping them. From there, I felt a great desire to perform Haj as soon as possible. I was working in State Government service and had no savings. One of my close friend (an elder person) went for Haj during the month of Dul Khad. One of my neighbour also went for Haj. I had no intention for Haj that year since I had no means for Haj. One of my friends told me that his elder brother is at Jeddah and I can stay with him and that I needed only the to and fro journey expenses only. The time for submitting application for Haj was closed by then. The only way is to get Haj visa stamped by the Saudi Consulate at Mumbai. When I verified my passport, the validity had already expired. At that time it took about 2 months for getting passport renewed. But, I prayed 2 rakat Salatul Hajat and made dua. An idea came to my mind. I approached the District Collector under whom I was working and requested to give a recommendation letter to the Passport Officer. He gave me a letter addressed to the Passport Officer. I went to Kozhikode and met the Passport Officer and told him that I intend to perform Haj that year and that the closing date for stamping Haj visa is fast approaching. The Passport Officer directed the concerned Section head to issue passport the third day. I got the passport the third day. The last day for stampig visa was the next day. I sent my passport to Mumbai through a person by air to a Travel agent at Mumbai. He presented the passport to the Saudi Consulate on the last day of stamping visa. Al Hamdu Lillah, my visa was stamped. The air tickets to Jeddah for Haj journey was very tight. However, by Allah's Grace, I got air ticket for travel to Jeddah on the final day of the Haj flight from India. I obtained loan from my Provident Fund for my Air ticket and other simple expenses. I reached Makkah al Mukarramah only 3 days prior to Haj and performed Haj by "Qiran (niyyat for Umrah and Haj together". My cousin sister and her husband from Karachi had arrived there for Haj. I met one of my friend there and he told me that my cousin sister is staying in such and such a building. I went and met her and her husband. She was very pleased to see me there because she had never expected me there. She compelled me to stay with her. I stayed with them till I went to Madeenah al-Munawwarah.

    2. There were friends or relatives with me. But, the maternal aunt of "Eliat Ismail" who had no travel experience was with me. Her brother (Ismail Eliat's brother) was working at Jeddah. She joined her brother as soon as she reached there.

    3. I stayed at Makkah al-Mukarramah (including Muna, Arafah etc.) for 32 days and at Madeena al Munawwarah for 8 days.

    4. I visited the cave Hira where the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) received the first revelation, the important places such as birth place of the Prophet, Jannathul Mualla at Makkah al Mukarramah and Jannathu Baqee at Madeena Munawarrah (the two famous grave yards), Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Masjid Quba, Masjid Qiblatain etc. Also visited Masjid Ayisha twice for performing Umrah again for my parents.

    May Allah fulfil your ambition during this year. Ameen. Keep on making dua for "thoufeeq" for Haj.

  18. I went to Hajj when I was a Muslim. Probably the best time I ever had as a Muslim.

  19. Inshallah one day.  

  20. no

  21. no nut inshallah i will.  

  22. No, I'd rather pay that few thousand dollars it costs to go there on a tropical vacation somewhere.

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