
Have you been to "The US of Israel"?

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an interesting article by Robert Fisk*

"stating what to many non-Americans is obvious: that the US has been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of Israel"

"Anyone who criticises Israel's actions or argues that pro-Israel groups have significant influence over US Middle East policy," the authors have written, "...stands a good chance of being labelled an anti-Semite. Indeed, anyone who merely claims that there is an Israeli lobby runs the risk of being charged with anti-Semitism ... "

"How can the West condemn the Islamic world for not accepting Mohamed cartoons," Philip Weiss asked in The Nation, "when a Western writer who speaks out on behalf of Palestinians is silenced?"

* Robert Fisk is a British journalist who spent about 20 years in the Middle East witnessing a lot of incidents himself, not through any media.




  1. One should not believe all they read. We in America would not call you an anti-Semite because you do not like what we feel is the right thing to do for a friend.We are just as friendly with the people of Georgia. I have never heard of a Jew with a bomb strapped to himself blowing up innocent people and hear little from the Islamic world about those from there culture that do. Peace

  2. yeah, this question will get deleted.  You're in the wrong country to try out free speech, bud.    We lost our constitution a long time ago.    Try Canada.

  3. Implied behind this query is the most suppressed question in modern history.

    The answer to THAT question is the god whose followers have the most deadly weapons.

    If there was a poll, I wonder what percent of respondants could identify why the US is a strong ally of Israel and why Israel needs--REALLY needs--all the allies it can muster.

    One day, you are sitting on your front porch when a bunch of cars and a big moving van drives up. Out jumps some guys in black suits and sunglasses who walk up to you and tell you to pack your stuff and leave your home.

    Why? You ask them.

    Because God's chosen ones have been persecuted for generations and you live on ground they believe is sacred. We've decided to give them your home, so you have to leave.

    But this is my home and I, too, believe the ground it sits on is sacred. My people have worshipped our god on this ground for generations.

    Your god is not relevant. Your history is not relevant. These people have been persecuted and have suffered. Their needs are more important than yours. Leave now.

    This is my home! I will not leave.

    Then you will be forced to leave or destroyed, your people impoverished, your land occupied and your religion defiled...for generations to come.

    And we will still give your house away.

  4. and then they say that Muslims are terrorists. you are throwing them out of their homes and killing their men. raping their mothers and daughters. and expect them to be silent. how come?

    whenever there is injustice there are suicide attacks and there is hatred for America. and its allies.  

  5. Good point. I agree.

    It's all about the Israeli control on the US. I mean, whenever any voice is raised, concerning the violations of international laws by Israel, this Israeli lobby takes action and the voice is silenced.

  6. Yes, we must support our friends. Even when they attack and destroy one of our ships and kill our sailors  we must not hold them accountable. We must hate those who hate them.

  7. To some responses:

    What makes a suicide bomber worse than killing with missiles, 1 ton bombs, destruction of homes with residents still inside, starvation and lack of water.  The PA has little control over anything.  Israel controls the  OCCUPIED territories.  Do you condemn the actions of the French Resistance, or even the Jewish terrorists against Britain during the British Mandate?  Expecting those who are occupied to not resist occupation is ignoring human nature.

    What Israel is doing also violate international law, which Israel is signatory to.  The 4th Geneva convention is available online.

    Incidentally, the originator and master of the modern suicide Bombings are the Tamil Tigers, also known as LTTE.  They are neither Palestinians nor Muslims.  Try looking them up.

  8. Robert Fisk is ignoring a lot of what goes on in this country, and is obviously too closely associated with the situation to make an objective viewpoint.  The U.S. goes so far as to say that they will back Israel, that's about all we've ever done for the past several decades.  How is that setting aside our own security?  To voice support for a nation surrounded by hostile nations is the only way we've managed to influence our own security.  Literally all we've been doing for them for a while has been just providing money and support.

    As for the critics, many are labeled as anti-Semites and that is unfair, and it's due to a lack of understanding of the other side.  This persists on both sides - those who support Palestinians are often blind to the Israelis point of view, and visa versa.  Fisk looks like he buys into that himself though, without reading anything else he's said I can guarantee that his "strong words" about the other side would be directed squarely at the Israelis and America's support of them, and he would probably have little if anything to say badly about the Palestinians.  Both sides are culpable, and the American media is certainly not doing its job in being fair and balanced and reporting both sides equally.  

  9. Fisk is a raging liberal.  I'd take what he says with a silo of salt.

  10. Isreael has always been the "other motherland" for Europe and America.  The fact, that more muslims and radical UN unitarians want a NWO does not change that fact.  Its simply fascist to try to erase that history and begin again.

  11. Answer...there is no such place

    Comment....I'm Sorry, I guess you didn't get the memo. Can you say "FRIEND?" or how about "Country with more to lose if Iran develops a nuke? Or maybe...Oh, never mind. You are clearly lost.

  12. I always use this rule of thumb.  Do you take up the side of your friend or their enemy in an argument?  Schoolyard rules so to speak.  So in the end, I will take up the sides of my friends (Israel and Georgia in the recent) than their enemies (Iran for instance).  Beside, there haven't been too many allies that have attacked us.

  13. Because Israel's too much of a sissified nation to stand up on its own without the US's help and/or interference.

  14. MR Fisk did not question the UK 's pointless alliance with the USA did he , hes spot on , all they care about is themselves and Israel, so why should anyone else matter ?  

  15. McCain -

    Obama -

    Bush "W" -

    Clinton -

    Carter -

    Blair -

    Guiliani -


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