
Have you been to the National space centre with young kids?

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I have 3 young kids, aged 8, 6, & 4 &was thinking about taking them to the Space centre, as it isn't very far from us. However, it is a little expensive, & I don't want to take them if it isn't suitable for their ages.




  1. I would recommend you take the kids, they are encouraged to participate in everything, altough it is a little expensive they will have hours of enjoyment

  2. What space center are you planning to visit?  I have two children (13 and 10 now) and we have visited several space centers - ESA center is Belgium, JFK Space Center in Florida, and Stennis Center in Mississippi (close to Gulfport).  My kids also attended a week-long summer camp at Stennis few years ago.  All of them were very interesting visits and worth the trip.  For sure the 8 and 6 years old will enjoy it.  The 4 years old may be a little too young, so you may need to bring something (his favorite books or toys) to keep him entertained during the visit.

  3. I`ve been but not with kids. It was fascinating for me. The 8 and 6 year olds will be ok but the 4 year old may get a little bored. Also the auditorium may be a bit loud for the little one. I would say go. My friend works there as manager and she says kids of all ages go.

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