
Have you changed much since u were younger like pre 15 or so?

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i think i have some my true self is me now and me a few years back i guess around 16 was when i found who i really was now im 18




  1. I'm only 15 now, almost 16, and I've changed a lot even since I was 12.

    Since then, I've gone through many phases in the way I think, look, act, and the people I associate with. I think it's made it easier for me to figure out who I am and what I want in life. At a young age, I already know what I want to do after school is over, what my long-term plans are, what I like and what I don't like, etc. In today's society, teenagers aren't always mature enough to go though a maturity, and I'm glad I'm one of the exceptions. Though many teenagers THINK they know everything they need to know, they are misleading themselves.

  2. Ask me in two years.

  3. yes i got preg at 15 single mom had my baby at 16 [now 17] more mature and i have my goals ready to achieve  

  4. Life is change, it never ends until the BIG change ... death. And you're lucky if you get out of life alive. You will find that you feel like you've lived many lives. I remember being 2 or 3 years old, under 10, preteens, late teens, early-mid- and late 20's. I feel like the same guy, but yet completely different. They are like multiple lives in one. And as you know, I found mom dead in April, BAM! That kicked me in the head and I start all over again. Life is strange, ugly, and beautiful. To quote one of my heroes;

    "If you are 20 years old, and view life one way, and are 50 viewing it that same, you just wasted 30 years."

    You may think you "found" yourself now. But you never really do. It's like grabbing air. And that is the beauty of life, all of the change. It can also be the ugliness.

    You will develope new friendships as others dissolve. You will gain as you lose. You will age and have regrets as you accomplish new and great things. Every time you meet new people who are worth while you will learn new things, but never forget the old things. Embrace your regrets, mistakes, and fears, never run or you are making a mistake.

    To me, my friend, that is life and the change with in it.

  5. Yea I felt a change since as well.

  6. not since my senior year in high school

  7. I listened more to my parents and told every little thing that my brother did...(I was 8).  

  8. I am 35 year old and I will tell you that things that I use to like 5 years ago, I don't' like anymore. Many things that I use to do I don't do anymore. When I was 15 I use to hang out at the mall and not have a care in the world, now I do care, I care about my health, my wrinkles, my weight, my family, my daughter....I don't' eat McDonald's you catch my drift?

  9. The core of who you are starts before you are 15 and then you use the next decade or so to go through 'stages' of you.

    As you experience things and create opinions based on those things you will be you only with a stronger opinion or possibly a different opinion of things you believed in as a younger person.

    I am stillthe girl I was, but life  and lessons have molded me ...some thoughts and ideas a bit different than before.

    Just keep an open mind and always remember how you felt when you were young, it'll help with the raising of your own kids.

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