
Have you changed or are you the same person that you were 3 yrs ago on how you perceive life???

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Have you changed or are you the same person that you were 3 yrs ago on how you perceive life???




  1. I'm the same person from 3 yrs ago. Just new Job and New resolution. Already achieve the last resolution. I still perceive life as a battlefield and I never want to surrender.

  2. 3 years ago, 16, I was playful, stupid, immature..

    Now I'm not so playful, still stupid, and a bit more mature....

  3. Same same. No change, unless Opposition takes over Government - then I have to change.

  4. i've changed...

    i become more responsible and determine

  5. is a DRAG for me.....but very exciting....i am forever changing.....

  6. my outlook in life today comparing it 3 years ago is totally 180 degrees turn...

    gone are my happy-go-lucky days...

    gone are my all-pleasure kind of life as if there was no tomorrow...

    i am still adventurous but a responsible person already.

    i am a more mature person now.

  7. at every stage of your life you will have different views of it.  

  8. 3 years ago, the worst thing had happened, and it has changed my mindset forever.  

  9. From 3 years ago, I'd say I'm about the same, but from 6 years ago I am completely different.

  10. 3 yrs ago i was relatively contented, happy, though shallow spiritually.

    2 years ago, I've been through h**l, I experienced the worst kind, my faith was shaken.

    today i believe I'm healed, I've found the right road on my spiritual journey, life can still be beautiful.  I live for today and I long for that happy afterlife with all, I mean ALL of the people I love.


  11. I have changed.

  12. No much except trying to be a millionaire before and wanted to be a multimillionaire. hehehe......

  13. Loyal Playboy, ur answer is so cute

    I have changed... a lot

  14. yes,,,i change...half of my self still the same person and half of it its change...(change to a better person)...but still forgetful

  15. I probably am the same peron I was 3 yrs ago. Maybe a little more out spoken but that's not a bad

  16. I've changed of course. Everyone does as you go through life. Experience changes a person (and of course influence)

  17. changed a lot...

    3years ago:

    -i was 3 years younger

    -few cm shorter

    -few inches wider

    -more responsibilities...-_-!

    -i havent met y!a...

  18. I have changed - for the better,  hope.

    I'm more tolerant of my partner's flaws. I'm more magnanimous and I consciously try to love (my loved ones) unconditionally.

    Keep reminding myself life is too short to stay angry and unhappy.

    Too short to nitpick or to be petty.

    I'm more health conscious (after a bout of sickness that lasted 2 years). I eat more healthily, take supplements and exercise.

    As a result, I'm a lot happier now than I've been in a long time.

  19. 1. i was 20 y.o

    2. stuck wif books, wear flip flop anitime eniwhere, immature

    3. now. stuck wif werks (also need books somehow.darn) , wedges +flip flops+heels , immature -- (mean a lil bit mature la..but not that mature la..haishhh..if u not wot m sayin yow~)

    on how i perceive life?

    yes. it do change. of course. esp on ppl's attitude. i still wonder y some ppl refuse to be nice to the same gender but being very gedix cam fak wif diff

    and i do got others new things discovered and yet to be discover..

    life is a journey bebeh~

  20. OOOOO the first answer.....   at every stage of your life you will have different views of it.

    That is very true.

    A year ago I was very happy, now I am down all the time.  *sigh*

  21. 3 years ago..i was still single and freeee

    now i'm stuck with a desperate workaholic on my right and diapers and baby foods on the left.

  22. Three years ago I was a different person. I still lived in dark times. At least I see brightness today and know that is where I am heading now.

    My brain is still the same. hopeless

  23. yes..3 years back i didn't know what is Ya! i know ...!!~!!

  24. Perception of life, I believe, is ever changing. Three years ago I was 3 yrs. more naive than i am now, 3yrs from now I'll be saying the same thing. Knowledge shapes perception, in my opinion, because if the facts of any particular situation is unknown, your perception is based on assumption, however, if the facts are laid out to that same situation you can look at it from a different perspective, eyes that aren't veiled can see clearer their place in life. Don't know if this answer helps, but this is how I am a different person from 3 yrs ago. This is how i think of life now, get back to me in another 3 yrs, let's see what it'll be then. I like your questions MadCow, very psych/philosophical.  lol. keep 'em coming.

  25. i am still the same person

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