
Have you changed your mind about Palin?

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This is for Republicans and those who intended to vote republican!!!

After reading that she is being investigated for her firing of the state's public safety commissioner and the pregnancy of her 17-year-old unmarried daughter. Do you fell like she has a lot of explaining to do?




  1. pretty funny that she really seems to be more driven on fame and attention and furthering her career then carrying for her family

  2. Nope.

  3. Yeah The "Straight Talk Express" is looking more like a Jerry Springer Show.  

  4. I am a Republican.  I am a Christian.  I am a Parent.  I am a physician.  I was going to vote for McCain, but as of today, I can't and I won't.

    Why?  Because of Palin.  What kind of parent is she?  She accepted the VP nomination knowing that her poor daughter will be the subject of the entire nation's scrutiny.  I would NEVER subject my child to this turmoil.  

    Gov Palin and her husband need to go home, sit down with their family, raise 5 children correctly and properly.  She is so selfish!!  I can't believe it.  I am a Right Wing Christian, and America, PALIN IS NOT BEHAVING LIKE ONE OF US!!  She is putting the future of her newborn baby with Down's Syndrome, her teenage pregnant child, and her soon to be born grandchild at risk for her own personal fame and glory.  This is not the kind of person I want leading us.

    Timothy 3:4-5

    "If a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for God's ..."

  5. Yes, and I think because she is being selected for a position where her sense of judgement counts her personal life is indeed relevant.  

  6. I'm voting for Obama but I still think, once again, that her personal life is none of our business.  

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