
Have you changed your mind about voting for McCain based on his pick for running mate?

by Guest33312  |  earlier

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Have you changed your mind about voting for McCain based on his pick for running mate?




  1. No but it encouraged me to spend more time campaigning for Obama. That women's beliefs are scary.

  2. not at all, I was not going to vote for mc cain before, and I am not voting for him now.

  3. No, I'm still begrudgingly voting for him, despite my displeasure with his choice.

  4. Yes. She is so hot I can't help but vote for her.

  5. No, I have never liked McCain as the Republican candidate.  HOWEVER I do like Palin.  So I may change from a third party vote to a Republican vote.  The events leading up to election day will help me as a responsible voter.

  6. NOPE Still voting for McCain!!

    McCain 08!!!

  7. I did. I'm voting for McCain now.

  8. yes.  i was never going to vote for McCain

    and now that he's Picke Pawn Sarah,


    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  9. Yes, I was a devote republican and now I have lost all faith in this man. He should have picked Romney and went after Obama's lack of experience but instead he is gambling that he can steal Clinton supporter votes. This lady does not have enough experience and has not been tested in the world arena. I will not vote this November.

  10. No.  My decision to vote for him is stronger than ever.

  11. No but it did help me get more enthusiastic about the vote and assured my vote.

  12. No.

    When McCain sold out to the GOP in order to get the nomination (thereby giving up his 'maverick' status), he lost any chance of getting my vote.

    Sarah Palin wasn't McCain's choice anyway - she got foisted on him by the GOP.

  13. When I saw the first annoucement, I was not only not going to vote for him, I was going to vote against him.

    However, the more I learn about Palin's record on the issues, (not her personal life), the more I am impressed.  Now I am back to voting for him again.  I will still admit I am concerned about the experience issue, but at least she will gain experience as VP.

  14. Yes. FRom Barr to McCain/Palin.

  15. No, it has just strengthened my resolve to see him elected as the next POTUS.

  16. Yeah.  No way I'm voting for a guy who picked a running mate with fewer qualifications than Steve Urkel:

  17. Yes, I will definitely  vote for him now.  Thank goodness for some "new" blood in Washington.  Americans need that.  Not the same ole good ole boy club.  Isn't that what the Obama supporter were saying?

  18. I was not completely decided who to vote for before this pick.  I was planning to wait until the debates were completed to decide.  I agree with many of her social positions; However, this woman, regardless of what the Repub Supporters say, is not qualified to be a VP.

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