
Have you created a prison for yourself?

by Guest56426  |  earlier

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I have, and I cant seem to find the d**n key. How do you get out of a prison you have created in your mind?




  1. Darling, hang in there! It's not as bad as it will soon find the key. I'll help for you always.  

  2. My prison is a miserable marriage that needs to end so I can get on with my life. When I find a way out of my prison, maybe I can give you some advice on how to get out of yours.

  3. I originally built it all by myself. I got so used to it I, too, lost the key. See, my cage is up high, looking down on everything else, but at a safe distance. One day I found myself interested once again in what the people far away were doing, but I couldn't get out. Then someone with wings told me I didn't need a key, the lock was rusted and no longer needed. It took some force but with some help the door crept open. I created a unique way to get down.

    What you need is interest, self motivation (energy), and MAYBE someone along the way. You don't need a key if you know how to be creative. If you don't have even a small purpose and you are locked in a cage you will have no reason to get out. So, there it is for you. Good luck.

  4. I've done that before.

    And the key seemed like it was no where to be found, when really, he was right in front of me.

    Hang in there hun, the key really could be, right in front of you, and you just don't know it yet.

    <hugs> and you know I'm here if you need someone to talk to :)


  5. You find something else other than a key to escape.

  6. Perhaps the first step is to focus beyond yourself,  You may find that connecting to things outside of yourself will allow you to free your mind from the prison-like feel you have created.  

    Knowing nothing about you beyond your question, it is difficult to know what interests you and what might spark a change in your behavior.  Maybe if you think back to happier times and things you once enjoyed you will find that elusive key.

    You may have to force yourself to take positive action, but freedom is attainable.

  7. You need to rediscover your interests in order to break out of  your prison, though it sounds cliche, you have to find some passion in what you do if you want to find your proverbial key.

  8. I would, if I could, buy groceries for a family in need, that would last for a year. I believe that children need the proper nourishment in order to do well in school.

  9. Yes I have..

    The only way to get out

    is to break out with full force!

    Even if it hurts your hands, You've got to punch your way through the walls, and escape.

  10. look at the album the wall. because pink cannot trust anyone and has so many insecurites about himself he builds "bricks" around himself and seals himself away from the rest of the world.

    now look at fight club, the main character builds a wall around himself (being a slave to work and consumerism), and when he tears it down (mental breakdown/terrorism), he is finally free in the end in a world he has changed.

    that may be a messed up answer, but forcefully attack the things that made you what you are. if that is credit cards or the government, go for it champ.

  11. I'm definately locked up right now. You just need to accomplish some tasks, goals, and find that key.

    But if you didn't earn your way out, you will always be locked up.

  12. imagine an open window after that lose 6 kg 2 fit through it...:D

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