
Have you cut back on haircuts etc.?why did you leave last stylist?

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I've been a hairstylist 20 years. always had a descent following.It seems as if I have days where I do one or two poeple and come home.Here in the united states the gas prices are so high that I think that is part of it.have you cut back? what made you leave your last stylist? I know turn around is normal but I wonder sometimes if I need to do anything else.any suggestions.




  1. I've only had two stylists. The first one (long time ago) I left because she was arrogant, non-receptive and unprofessional, in that she did not listen to her clients (including myself) and had a tendency to gossip incessantly to each about the other. I wanted to be a faithful client, and did express my discomfort to her, but things did not change, I became tired of her and went on my way.

    Fortunately, I had already known my current stylist, we have been friends since our early 20's. As a stylist she shares her insight but is receptive, affable, professional, and does only a little sh*t talking, hehe.

    I haven't left her for about 6 years or so, but since last year I trim or cut my own hair to save money, only go to her if I want a change in colour, style or a special treatment.

    Yes, I do think that you should do something else on the side, if you notice a decrease in income/clientele or do not have clients whom are financially able to maintain.

    People are struggling, stylists (and their clients) the same.

  2. My hair is half way down my back because I can't afford haircuts anymore. But my husband likes my hair this way.

    Also, it's hard to find a really good stylist without a bad attitude in my area. They take one look at a person and decide he or she will be a lousy tipper--and treat them accordingly. As bad as the economy is you should treat everyone like your favorite customer.

  3. Nope i hate nappy hair... I get haircuts every week. I need to keep my fade on lock.

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