
Have you cut down on driving due to gas prices?

by  |  earlier

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If you have, how so?

Just curious..

Thanks ♥




  1. Yes fuel is to expensive in the bush.

  2. No, I'm just learning to drive better.

    (Can't really do without my car in semi-rural areas)

  3. yes i walk to the train station and train to work

  4. i havent i ride a skatebaord lol

    answer mine?;...

  5. i wish i could drive. but i am going to get an electric bike until i can drive in 2 years. lol.

  6. Not from where I come from and public transport is a joke. You can only find buses and taxis over here. These buses only move when it is filled up with passengers and taxis charge not according to meter. To make things worst, they too get caught in traffic.

    Driving is a necessity in life. Without a car, nothing can happen. Everything would go haywire.

  7. Gas is waaay to expensive these days. Luckily I've found a site that offers free gift cards for it. Life's great when you don't have to pay for your gas =)

  8. no, gas prices are high, but i still have to go where i have to go  

  9. Heck, yes!  With all the rising prices, I'm trying to cut back where ever I can!  I group errands together and do several at one time, plan my route for the most efficient path or just plain don't drive.  

  10. I haven't, mainly because I wasn't the type to waste gas anyway just because it was cheap.  I used to keep driving to a minimum and carpool or combine errands and stuff even when it was cheap, so I don't have a lot of room to improve.

  11. Yes. But it also helps that I have a fuel efficient car.

  12. I find it hard to understand Americans - your gasprices are not that high compared with ours

    in Europe but there is a lot of complaining.

    I know that your basic wages are quite small

    but you cant be that hard-up.

  13. yes i ride my bike more

  14. Not really.  I still have to go to work and that's the majority of the miles I drive.  Since Honda decided the middle of nowhere is where they want to build I cant move closer or take public transportation (not that there is much in OH anyways).

  15. No!

    Why should I cut down on the things i need to do, or places i want to go!?

    Thats why i have a job :)

  16. who hasn't?? lol

    Car polling is a good way to cut back.. and cutting out those "for no reason late night drives" its sucks but so dose gas.. did you know there coming out with electric cars now?

  17. Ya, now I try to walk if i can or just drive very quickly to reduce engine running time.

  18. somehow

    what is gas by the way

  19. Yeah i have started walking cycling a lot more often but there is a lot of petrol to go around. All they are doing is trying to get as much money as possible from petroleum and diesel and other stuff like that. But i didn't really drive my car round much anyway.


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