
Have you delivered hoping the right name would be printed on their backside?

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My husband and I have been back and forth over the naming of our son who will arrive within the next couple of weeks. I am okay with going in with a couple names and than seeing him and hoping the correct name will make sense at the time. But, I'm concerned with my husband saying one name and me the other? How did things go for you if you were in a similar situation?

BTW the two top names are Ethan (conflict is it's common) and Killian (Conflict is it's very repetitive sounding with our last name (Martin), and is not as common, spelling or other errors?)




  1. When our 4th child was to be born we were just certain that she was a boy.   At breakfast the morning I delivered, Grandma asked what name we had picked-out for a girl - just in case.   Well, we didn't have one.

    Grandma mentioned a girl's name she thought was simply beautiful.

    Well, about 4 hours after that conversation, we were in the delivery room holding our SURPRISE! baby girl.  So, when asked what her name would be, we used the beautiful name Grandma had spoken that morning. -- Kristin.     Our "Nathan Joel" chosen for our 4th and 5th babies will have to wait unused, as yes, the 5th baby was also a girl!  --  Dinae

  2. My son was over 12 hours old by the time he was named - we just could not come up with one that we both liked and that we felt would fit him. I have a friend who had two names picked out, just like you, and when their son arrived they didn't think he looked like either one of them so they went with a different name entirely (incidentally he was over a day old by the time they figured out what they wanted - but he had a middle name the whole time!) I think these sort of conflicts are just your child's way of naming themselves - they're doing some cosmic work before they arrive to ensure you come up with a good one for them ;) It doesn't hurt to take your time and make sure that your child's name will fit them and also be one that they (and you) can live with for the rest of your lives. As long as you're not sending them off to school still needing a name, you're doing OK.

    I like Killian a lot and I don't think it sounds bad with your last name - I think that is the easiest spelling of it, too. I've only ever heard of one other person with the name Killian, so it is definitely not as common as Ethan (my nephew has 3 Ethan's in his 2nd grade class of 25 kids).

    Good luck with your little boy, no matter what you decide to call him!    

  3. I had a similar experience while trying to settle on my only daughter's name, her father wanted Hope, and I wanted special not  used as much, but the same, you know so I ended up with calling her  Christina(but I spelled her name like this instead the ordinary way{Khrystyna Hope], that is our only daughter's name, You could spell Ethan (with an E instead of an A)that would be different but the same, ok, how about Dylan, instead of Killian?You both could agree on Ethen Dylan Martin? Ya think?Or you could spell Kiilian (with an M instead of an N ?) Killiam?or William?  I pray I helped you alittle, even though you know what you all decide it will be the right name, because you both thought up the name, just got to figure out how to spell different, so its like the same as other names But different. Congratulations!! From me to you and your husband)May God Continue to bless you and your family! Especially the very special one God has blessed you with!

  4. i love the name Ethan  

  5. I'll be in the same position as you are when I'm pregnant again (ttc #2).  If it's a boy, we're fairly settled.  But if it's another girl....well, we'll have to see what she looks like I guess.  

    For the records, I prefer Ethan, although it is very popular.  I don't like how violent Killian sounds.  I hear "kill ian".  

  6. Dont worry about giving your kid a more common name. It's parents who want their children to have "unique" names. Kids are happier just to fit in.

  7. I have never given birth myself, and heck, I'm far from ready for motherhood. However, I have had a few friends who have gone through childbirth and each has gone into the delivery room with several names picked out. In most instances, the names they have choosen are not the names they end up using; once they look at their newborn child, they decide the name really doesn't suit and end up picking a new one. I can understand that'd you much rather go into the delivery room with a few names set aside, but alternatively, you need to weigh up the probability of whether these names will end up going ahead once the child is born. Plus, despite what you've been told, who's to say you won't deliver a surprise baby girl instead of a boy?

    Best wishes and may your little one bring you endless happiness and cheer.

  8. Killian can be shortened to kill, so that's probably not good.  How about Liam or Colin or Henry?

    We knew we wanted our son to be named Andrew (after my youngest brother's stuffed animal....since my youngest brother's name sounded too close to our last name), but we couldn't chose a middle name.  We chose my husband's name because our son was born and home (on accident) and my husband had to deliver him.  It was as if he was born with his name printed on his backside.  

    BTW - A word to the wise.  Don't change the traditional spelling or all his sport trophies down the road will have his name spelled wrong (first child is Georges instead of George).

  9. i like the name ethan, and i dont think its too common, its just a regular name. killian is a regular name, but you never here it...

    i like ethan more than i like killian i say if you can decide on these two chose a few others.

  10. We could not decide what to name our first, and finally decided that we wouldn't decide until after he was born - Like you, we had some names picked out, but we just couldn't decide which to use...

    Not choosing was the best choice we made (although it drove both sets of grandparents up a wall LOL)! After he was born, hubby decided that it was important to honor his best friend, and so we ended up with Matthew. I chose Michael as the middle name, figuring if we were honoring best friend, why not honor dad too.

    At that point, fighting over a name was the LAST thing on our mind. We were just in to much awe over our beautiful baby boy.

    My advice - go in with a game plan. Who feels the strongest about the name? Let that person have the first name, and the other gets the second (assuming that both names work for both parents!).

    What about Ethan Killian Martin?

    Best of luck and HTH :-)


    Well, if you know the middle name, and know what the 3 choices are - then don't dwell on the fact that a first name isn't 100% yet - It will come with the baby... no worries :-)

    Flip flopping is normal - just smile and say "ok dear" hehe

  11. ethan is the best out of the three, alot of women say when they see there bubba the name will be easier to decide, atleast you have narrowed it down to a few only

  12. I actually really like both names. I don't think Ethan is overused at all! A name that is like Ethan but is a little less common to also think about is Ewan (as in Ewan McGregor).

    Killian is a nice name but I am really worried about what the child will think of it as he grows up. Nick names are a big things for teenagers and I can see his nickname being 'kil' already. In that respect, I think Ethan will work better for him over the course of his life. If you like Killian, have you thought about Julian?

    I don't agree with spelling names differently just to make them look more unusual either. The spelling of both Ethan and Killian are fine!


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