
Have you done a complete 180 on something in your life?

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How many folks have completely (or almost completely) changed their thoughts/opinions on something in life? It could be anything: politics, religion, sexual orientation, whatever! Please also share WHY your feelings changed. Since I'm asking such a personal question, I'll share my answer first:

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted kids. This desire remained until I hit my 30s. Then, as each year passed, my interest got less. I LOVE kids & get along w/ them great, but that doesn't mean I'm cut out to give birth to, & raise, my own!

I feel I'm too set in my ways now, to have my life turned upside down by the needs of a baby, then toddler, then child. I want to be able to go away for a weekend or week & not be tied to the needs of a child. I don't want to deal w/ school & sports schedules either. Most of my friends w/ kids are friends I never see anymore; they're either too broke, too busy, too tired, or too sick! :( I don't want to become like that.





  1. I went from a slacker to a workaholic. Back in 9th grade or so (1986) I went through a phase of severe depression. It crippled me to the point where all I wanted to do was stay in bed and do nothing. It lasted for about 2 years until I met this girl. It was love at first sight. She made life worth living. My grades soon picked up, I got a job, went to college, went to med school, graduated and after all this, this girl is now my wife. She was a gift from God himself.

  2. I grew up around bigotry and anti-g*y comments and used to share these thoughts. However now I have a much better opinion. Why?  I have met a lot of people in my life and job and have learned to judge people by who they are and not what race or sexuality they are. I also realize I'm not perfect so why should I expect everyone else to be.

  3. Wow that was a mouth full Yea? I was bound for h**l going as fast as I could go and thought that I was a Christian, because I beleived in Jesus. But you could not tell me from the way I dressed, walked, talk, drank etc. because I still had the world in me. Then One day, I rededicated to the Lord Jesus Christ according to scripture and truly did become a new creature. Lost many a friend because the word of God is the sword that will cut you up due to sin. I told my self I was not turning back and I pushed ahead. A man had told me that my toes will continue to get stomped on but keep them out there, because your OH MY's in time will become HALLELUJAH's, and it took a good year for that to happen. But I was absolutely miserable in my spirit and had issues that I couldn't do anything about, but I beleived in the supernatural God that I have always heard about. And when you give it to hime and trust in him, Praise God there is a peace inside of you that no man can understand. And as far as you not wanting children Listen to what the Bible says and this is an end time message Luke 23:28-29... "But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.' 'For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps (breast) which never gave suck." Have no guilt, be blessed! God Speed to ya.

  4. Strangely, I've always felt the opposite.  I didn't want to be bound and tied down by kids.  I watched my mom struggle as a divorced mom.  Even in my high school year book, I scripted that I didn't want children and wanted to wait until 30 to marry.  While I did the latter, I still didn't plan on children.  When my birth control failed, I stood shocked unable to feel anything for 43 weeks, yes he stayed in longer, when I gave birth it was love at first sight.  Unbelievably strong and it grows everyday.  With my second child, we planned him.   Still I couldn't wrap my mind around being able to love a second as passionately as I mother my first.  It happened again.  Love at first sight. I had my first child at 32.  My second one at 33.

  5. Death penalty.  Used to be for it, now I am totally against it.  I used to think that evil people should die for their sins against their fellow man.  But with an imperfect (read: complete joke) justice system, there are innocent men on death row.  And that is no joke at all.

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