How many folks have completely (or almost completely) changed their thoughts/opinions on something in life? It could be anything: politics, religion, sexual orientation, whatever! Please also share WHY your feelings changed. Since I'm asking such a personal question, I'll share my answer first:
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted kids. This desire remained until I hit my 30s. Then, as each year passed, my interest got less. I LOVE kids & get along w/ them great, but that doesn't mean I'm cut out to give birth to, & raise, my own!
I feel I'm too set in my ways now, to have my life turned upside down by the needs of a baby, then toddler, then child. I want to be able to go away for a weekend or week & not be tied to the needs of a child. I don't want to deal w/ school & sports schedules either. Most of my friends w/ kids are friends I never see anymore; they're either too broke, too busy, too tired, or too sick! :( I don't want to become like that.