
Have you done any soul searching lately????

by  |  earlier

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I am at this moment in time White Dove.........

Cactuar - double sigh...........




  1. Stop asking questions like this in a travel forum.  There are better places for you to have these conversations.  

  2. what about you, have you ?

  3. More than I care to.

    Still no closer to the answer.

    But I discovered interesting revelations about myself; that I have not healed, merely hiding in my protective shell...*sigh*

  4. no! mom tells me i need that but i am too young, i don't worry of too much yet of anything.  

  5. yeah.. i done it five times a day , 7 days in a week..

  6. Not really, I gave up doing things like that years ago.

  7. Not lately, no.  Quite sometime ago yes.

  8. i always do and still do

  9. Yes, I have and I found myself guilty as charged.

  10. oh yes and i love the outcome.....discovering my weaknesses and strengths.....

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