
Have you done anything that has made you feel g*y in your life?

by  |  earlier

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the h**l...?




  1. I imagine myself with hot boys all the time.

  2. Yes, I was sexually involved with my male friend several times and loved it.

    By the way, what is your reference to "the h**l...? If yo mean do I think I'm going there? NO!

  3. i cant think of a couple

  4. Yes, date a boy.

  5. Not really.  I have a lot of g*y/L*****n/bi/trans friends.  So I do things with them that other people would consider "g*y", but I don't feel that way.  

    I even let my good bio male friend hug me, because I'm comfortable with my sexuality and I know who and what I am.  

  6. Sleeping with other girls kinda tops the list.  

  7. thank goodness im a boy coz girls shove dead fish up their v****a's. and they smell like rotten eggs.

  8. yessss, when i sucked your c**k.

  9. Yeah, reading some flamin answers on Y/A.  Some of these people be sick.  I have to take a shower everytime I read about the squirrel guy and the stuff that he be doin.

  10. I feel g*y every time I have s*x with another guy!

  11. when my wife started to watch the movie enchanted and i finished watching it on my own. man am i g*y!

  12. Yeah I wore a tiara...

  13. let's see....i think i'd have to say when i realized i was g*y....yeah that made me feel pretty g*y...and fantastic

  14. Well at first I didnt know what to think, but at age 13 when I started wearing mom and sisters bras and panties realizing I was a crossdresser, Or it could be the Bi-encounters I have been in with a good buddy of mine and getting and giving oral, I actually really enjoyed it at the time, But I also still love Women so I just still feel myself as Bi-curious, instead of like age 13 and feeling like I was g*y,  

  15. i try to incorporate some gaiety into everything i do... you?

  16. the first time i kissed a girl lol!

  17. ye when i came out the closet

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