
Have you done enough 911 Research to have an Opinion?

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I recently stumbled upon this article

It is a collection of every fairly conducted debate that has taken place on the 911 Conspiracy Issue.

Have you seen all / most of these? Do you feel you've done enough research to have an established opinion?




  1. Yes, i know i have seen enough. I did a lot of research on internet, books, talking to folks who were there. (i live in NYC myself, about 22 miles away from the WTC), I KNOW that I have an opinion, and it's probably right too... Too bad u didn't ask what it was....but yes, i have one established.  

  2. Yes a couple of high jacked aircraft were flown into the towers

  3. yes, there is no conspiracy

  4. Yes, I have. And none of the claims of the "truth" movement actually stand up to examination. Don't you consider that odd?

  5. Yes. I have done more than enough research to form an opinion.

    There was no conspiracy.

    The Internet is a good way to connect to bad information.

  6. I like the answer from someone who saw the planes, first hand, and thinks that makes him an expert.

    Anyway, I think I have done enough research to have an opinion.

    And I have an established opinion, and a near certainty about some specifics.

    This opinion is open to revision. Which I will be doing as I read/watch the links you provide.

  7. The bottom line is if our security is that poor we are screwed,not to mention our southern border is wide open.

  8. Yes.

    However, the only conspiracy with 911 I believe in is surrounding flight 93. The military shot it down before it could hit another target, and they fabricated some heroic and heart-felt story as to why it crashed conveniently in the middle of a field, far away from any witnesses, in PA.  

  9. Actually, I watched it live on TV and have spoken with a friend who was much "research" do I need to do?

  10. I've seen about them all, and I'd recommend as a good source of sensible, well-documented material on the subject.


    There was no conspiracy!  Planes hit the towers.  The planes were hijacked by radical muslim terrorists.  

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