
Have you eaten Edamame and accidentally eaten the whole pod?

by  |  earlier

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If you aren't sure if you've eaten it, here's a pic on wikipedia:

Yeah, I kinda didn't know how to eat them properly and swallowed twigs down my throat lmao..nasty must remember to eat this dish like peanuts from the shell! Holy c**p!

Guess I thought they were snow peas




  1. no, i have never eaten the shell.  ew

  2. No, and after your warning I'm really glad that I didn't.


    The Muse

    Edit: Where were you when I fried my mouth sticking the whole lump of wasabi in my mouth?

  3. I almost did. The first time I tried Edamame was at a benefit event where they offered a vegetarian buffet. I picked up several because I thought they looked similar to snow peas. I happily popped a couple into my mouth and started chewing. After several moments of chewing I realized that they weren't breaking down, and that I had made a huge mistake. I kept the pods in my mouth for several minutes until I was sure no one would see me spit them into a napkin. I was so embarrassed!

  4. true storey:  Went to a sushi place on a first date.  Never had edamame before.  Thought it was a green bean.  Ate the whole bowl--shells and all, because I didn't want to be rude.  Later date says, " I've never seen a person do that before,  Do they taste good?"

  5. I never did that.  Not yet.  But I might try on my next visit to the Japanese restaraunt to see the surprise.

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