
Have you even done volunteer work and they treated you like dirt?

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like a slave then on top of that gossip behind your back have anybody out there have being in this situation explain




  1. Yes I have.  I stayed because of the other volunteers were inspirational to me.  Sometimes the volunteer coordinator just doesn't care that you spend so many of your hours helping others and receive no recognition.  To overcome this feeling, I just remember the hugs and gratitude from the people I helped, that is why I chose to volunteer, to help other people.  Just remember you know in your heart you are doing the right thing for the right reason.  Perhaps talking with the director will help you and may save other people from the same frustration you are experiencing.

  2. we provide safe and clean environment for the volunteers see

  3. These people don't deserve your help. Find another group that treats it's volunteers right. When an organization behaves like yours does it is usually means the people at the top are not running it right.

  4. I've never been in any situations like that. Every time I volunteer, whether at school, the library, or for an organization, they all are extremely grateful for my help. Seriously, what kind of volunteer organization treats the volunteers like dirt?

  5. Sure. It's also happened when I've been paid work. Not every volunteer experience -- nor job experience -- is a good one. Not every nonprofit -- nor every business -- is run well.

    Before volunteering, ask the organization if volunteers return again and again or if they have a high turnover rate. Ask them also if they can say, on a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied volunteers are with the organization. A nonprofit that can't answer questions like this is probably not one you want to work with.

  6. Yes, I'm on the local Vol Search and Rescue Team.Our President of the team is 72 years old and is one of the Best in the state.I've been helping him run the team because nobody else will.They want the uniform but won't show up for community service or even searches.I moved my way up by hard work and being active in everything we do.The ex-training officer got mad and said I was just trying to take over the team.he had NEVER been on a search and didn't show up for our fund raising events.He sent me nasty e-mails and tried to turn the team against me and when he couldn't he quit the team.I'm now vice-president and I love doing my job.I'm there when and where I'm needed and I'm advancing my Search and Rescue knowedge by taking the National Association for Search and Rescue Classes and I will be on the Nation Register in about one week.I'm 53 and i have noticed that don't matter if it's vol work or your normal job,there's always someone there who THINKS they're better than you.

  7. I have been a volunteer for about 6 yrs, i care for peoples welfare in the mental health as i suffer from depression and i find it helps me also helps others as i have been there and understand as t0o what people go through,

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