
Have you even heard of?

by  |  earlier

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Have any of you even heard of contraception????

You have to start taking responability at some point!!!




  1. no.

  2. nope never heard of it

  3. Very good point, but they can be expensive at the time and people don't realize how much having a baby will cost.  I have seen a lot of questions in here that I wonder how they are even alive with their head still attached.  This question made me laugh.  Thanks!

  4. I know.... Dumb people.

  5. I wish teens would! They have no idea what's in store for them when they have unprotected s*x. Pregnancy, STD's, AIDS, etc. are just a few of the horrors us parents KNOW can happen. It's not the fact that they WILL happen, but our fears are real and teens just do not understand that.

    I don't want my teen having unprotected s*x. I don't want to be burying my child because they decided to do that and died from a dreadful disease or died in childbirth.

    At some point in time, teens need a slap in the face of reality. They don't want to read something like this. And if I get a lot of thumbs down, I don't care. The truth hurts and they have the, " It's not going to happen to me," attitude. IT CAN!

  6. I've heard of it.

    I wont be using it, though.  I don't believe in it.  So I'm waiting until I'm married to have s*x.

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