
Have you ever Boycotted a Company or Product? Please Give Details?

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Have you ever Boycotted a Company or Product? Please Give Details?




  1. U.P.S. and the republican party.

  2. Yes!I try to boycott products that show young males as 'thick as two short planks' and females as superior 'know all's' in television advertising!I like to see both sexes as equals in advertising!!A good example is the one where WHICH is advertising a computer book!

  3. I boycotted geico Insurence I will not go back to them because they cancelled my policy because someone in my house had a suspended license even though they never drove my car or wasn't or should not have been on my insurence policy. There is no reason that I shouldnt be able to get insurence because of someone elses problem.

  4. yes, regrettably Budweiser, and Jack Daniels, and Jose Quervo~!!!

    me and my buddies had to part ways~!!!

    oh well,  until we all meet again** Cheers**~!!!

    Liver Cancer Survivor~!!!

    Liver Transplant Recipient~!!!

  5. McDonalds



    An expensive car park!

  6. Yes - I don't go to McDonald's because they give money to anti-gun lobbyists and other socialist organizations.  Same with Heinz.  

    I put in a concerted effort to purchase items made locally (and that includes locally built from locally created pieces and parts) so I avoid Walmart like the plague.  I understand that some people don't have that option where they live or don't choose to support the causes I do, so I don't judge others on what they do, where they go, or what they buy.

  7. I have researched, in great depth, events of recent years, and the news that we are never told.  As a consequence, I have boycotted the usa.  The people of that land are great, but their government is more evil than I can put into words.  The mass media in that country is so biased that the people of the usa really have no idea of what their government is actually doing to the planet.  About a million completely innocent people have been slaughtered by the massive us killing machine in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years.  We simply are not told of the atrocities that america is committing around the globe.

  8. I have not walked into a WalMart in YEARS. I would DIE before I would buy anything from WalMart. WalMart uses mafia tactics to strong-arm Mom and Pop businesses out of the competition. They FORCE their suppliers to buy overseas instead of American-made. That's JOBS to you amd me, babe. They use SLAVE LABOR AND CHILD LABOR overseas. They cost every community where they set up shop a GREATLY disproportionate amount of TAXES, since the COMMUNITY pays for roads, sewage, infrastructure for the WalMarts. Counties where there are WalMarts pay FAR MORE in welfare benefits, because WalMart employees don't make enough to pay for their own medical care, or to buy enough food for their families.

    WalMart is bad for America.

    I have not pulled into an Exxon since the Valdez incident, and Exxon has spent 17 YEARS and untold millions of dollars on lawyers' fees trying to get out of their responsibility and obligation to the citizens of Prince William Sound.

  9. I boycott Walmart too

    and ExxonMobil for not cleaning up the ExxonValdez mess

  10. Asda supermarket (Because they are owned by Wallmart)

    E*Trade Financial & Wall St in general (Besides their shares tanking, I decided to move out of USD to avoid getting defrauded)

    GM, Exxon-Mobil (Began as Standard Oil), & Du Pont - Companies associated with Thomas Midgley, and considered to be the most evil rotten scoundrels in the history of commerce.

    I try to avoid US global retailers (I live in the UK), so I can support the local shops, but often fall foul of hypocrisy - I like Starbucks frapuccinos too much.

  11. yes i wont eat some things

    fois gras pate because of animal wealfare issues

    veal as above its the animal wealfare

    i only eat free ramge chicken and eggs

    i wont eat venison

    all meat has to be british for wealfare to animals and hygeine reasons.

    and as far as possible if i eat seasonally all fruit and veg is grown locally too

  12. I've been boycotting Marlboro for 4 years now. Why? Because my wife would kill me if I didn't.

  13. I boycott Nestlé

    Nestlé is targeted with the boycott because monitoring conducted by the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) finds it to be responsible for more violations of the World Health Assembly marketing requirements for baby foods than any other company  

    I also boycott McDonalds because they exploit children, exploit parents, exploit workers, exploit animals, exploit the environment and exploit the poor.

    I used to boycott Barclay's bank, while they worked in South Africa under apartheid. Apartheid has gone now, so perhaps these boycotts really work!

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