
Have you ever HONESTLY met anybody who has read the Bible from start to finish - all the way through?

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Was it read with understanding and acknowledgment or just read as a sport and forgotton about. An achievement.




  1. My friend Shane Ash from High School, who I lost touch with.  A self-proclaimed atheist, he actually took the time to read it cover to cover, and no, it did not miraculously convert him.  Another person I met who read it from start to finish, was a Muslim, who like Ahmed Deidat, the famous Imam who debated Jimmy Swaggart, to follow Deidat's example, read the bible cover to cover so he would have a weapon in his debates against Christians.

    In fact, there are more Muslims who read the bible all the way through, than Christians.  Some have even read all three religious works.

    Usually though, people who read the entire bible tend to be eccentric I've observed, but I suppose that's just my experience.

  2. many people.

  3. Scholars and church officals, of course, have.

    Many other religious people do 'know' the Bible because they read it every day and have done for many years.

    You are young and your question is perfectly legitimate. You will not have come into contact with these people but you can be sure that they exist.

  4. I know a guy that reads it every day so I guess sooner or later he will read it all he way through.

  5. Yes I have - my grandfather was an archdeacon and my uncle is a canon.

  6. Yes my old boss. He was a military brat but his father made him carry and study the bible (almost as soon as he could read) wherever they got stationed. Took him several years under his dad's (he wasn't a slave-driver just persistent) guidance he knew and understood it well before college. He hated doing it initially. But he said it helped him graduate top of his class.

    There are many examples of well written clear prose in the Bible (notwithstanding archaic language), numerous parables with moral lessons that even many humanists would have trouble dis-agreeing with. Classifying, understanding and practising memorising chucks of information from an early age helped him immensely. That and the fact that his dad tutored him in other subjects in his off time!

    Not completely analogous to but rather like the Harry Potter books have done for thousands of children worldwide!

  7. You need to meet more people. A lot of Convicts have -- serously. Sometimes it's all they are allowed. Living in the "hood" you meet ex-cons who know more about the bible than those crazy evangelists on TV.

  8. I only know of one.  Me :-). When I was younger.

  9. I have, as well as the Apocrypha, numerous commentaries, etc... and I'm an atheist.  Sorry folks, it's just another book, and not among the best I've read.

  10. I'm working on it....a few chapters a day. I'm about halfway thru.  Some parts are really great, others are quite dry, but necessary for genealogy sake, I guess.

    It's been a great experience, you should try it :)

  11. Yes

  12. Yes, one of my uncles who was a vicar and a couple of my cousins...........

  13. I was going to... but someone spoilt the plot by telling me that God did it.... so I never bothered. I might go and see the movie when it comes out though..... if it has someone I like in.

  14. Not me.

    I'm waiting for the MOVIE.  (and the sequel)    :)

  15. yes my cuss-ion he is a priest

  16. Oh yesh. My mother and brother have. My Brother said its the best read he's had in years.

  17. I did.  It was long.  And very boring at parts.

  18. Actually, I have. As an atheist I thought I'd better refresh my memory as to what all these born again types were going on about.

    Slightly harder going than Das Kapital but better written than Mein Kampf.

  19. yes, my sister did it. she did it because she was tired of people saying that some verses where being taken out of context and  twisted. she wanted to know what they really said. so to make sure the whole thing was taken in context she read the whole thing. was kinda annoying for a few years because she remembered the whole thing and was like a walking bible dictionary. nice though if you had any questions.

  20. No, we're all either Atheist or Agnostic.

  21. Yes, my father has read it completely several times in his life time. I know of many others-- pastors, friends, myself and people I go to church with.  Yes, a person can actually read the WHOLE Bible. 3 chapters a day and you'll have it read in one year.

  22. Why is this question is Philosophy?  Wrong category.

  23. Yes.  Both were pastors; one a methodist and one a unitarian.

  24. I have read it from start to finish, and I'm working on rereading it more carefully. The first time was mostly just to get a general knowledge, and now I am taking the time to study it more in-depth.

  25. Yes. Jehova's Witnesses.

  26. My religious educations teacher who read it and acknowledged it all. I think my grandmother has also, she is very religious. I was going to try once, just so I could say I've done it, but I got distracted by things that caught my eye more. ;p

  27. my re(religious education) teacher =P

  28. This question does not belong in the philosophy section.

    I have done so.  Searching for the meaning of life.

    My conclusion?  We are here to improve the quality of our character.  That's good for the world now and good for us individually both now and when we are done here.

  29. My friend Heather, her mom is really strict about that stuff =]

  30. He will be a wacko!!Nope

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