
Have you ever Quit your job and whats your sign?

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Tell me YOUR story ?


Whats ur mars & sun sign?




  1. Nope, but i got fired once for having s*x on the job.

  2. yes! it was my first job, i was there for 9 months and it was h**l! it was in a shiittty call centre! haha

    my boss was a prik, treated everyone like children and looked down on us, he'd do things like put our names on the board, or made us "see him at the end!" whaaaat! we're not at school! for little things like having some of my drink or asking one of my colleagues for help! the pay was good, but thank god i quit . . . if i was there for another day i would have died, he was soo rude and he was a scorpio aswell! lolllll

    i just didn't like being treated so unfairly . . .

    sun in scorpio

    mars in gemini

  3. Yep, twice, due to bad management and obnoxious colleagues.

    My sun sign is Pisces. Dunno about my Mars sign.

  4. yess!!

    i have quit many times, and i usualy do it on the phone. One job i had been at for two years and we got this horible new manager who i felt i was going to explode at. One night i was feeling frusterated already and she called up to bring me into work and i said "sorry im not going to make it, im resigning" and she said

    "what about poor claire whos working by herself tongith?"

    and i said

    "well thats not my probelm anymore, c ya!"

    haha it felt amazing :)

    my mars is leo and sun cancer

  5. im quite young but no, if i do there is a very good reason behind it and its well thought out, im a capricorn

  6. I'm only 15 so I haven't had a job yet, BUT i want one! =)

    I'm a scorpio and my mars is cancer, i believe.

  7. I quit both the jobs that I had. Both were cashiering. The first one I hurt my knee somehow doing freight. I went on worker's comp and they wouldn't let me do freight anymore. That cut my hours back to 2 hours a month, so I decided to quit since I hardly worked there anyway.

    The second one I just got sick of the bosses acting bossy. They would pencil me in the schedule - meaning I would get a copy of the schedule, have Monday and Tuesday off, and get a call Tuesday night asking where the heck I was because I was supposed to have been there for an hour already. They wouldn't tell me when they changed the schedule, ever! Lame!

    My Mars sign is Aquarius and my Sun sign is Aries.

  8. Sun Libra, Mars Leo.

    Yes I quit twice. First time was because I got disrespected, so I stayed quiet, focused on school and one day since I didn't need the job and I saw they were in a bad situation, I made things worse for them by walking out - with 2 wks notification though.

    Second time I found a better job. I had taken so much c**p and disrespect from my bosses and this woman I had been in love with was coming to my job with all the guys she was dating. I quit without notice.

  9. yes i have quit 3 jobs out of the 7 i have had, i've only quit for two reasons, to make more money at the new job or to go to school................ college equals more money..........and money is awesome

    i am a sun leo w/ mars in scorpio

  10. Yes I have quit jobs before. I quit an office job because everytime the main Boss came around he made me sick. I kept on picking up on some negative vibes from him that made me so unconfortable I had to leave. Then the other time I had to quit it was more of an agreement they were going to let me go and I was going to quit so we just shook hands and said thanks for your time. That was an activist group they go from door to door asking for money for the enivornment. I didn't make the quota they set for me and I felt like the job wasn't real.

    Sun: Cancer

    Mars: Gemini

  11. YES i have. I get bored and pissed off easily so i do quit most of the time.

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