
Have you ever actually seen or experienced any kind of Paranormal Phenomena? If yes, feel free to elaborate...

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Have you ever actually seen or experienced any kind of Paranormal Phenomena? If yes, feel free to elaborate...




  1. my first encounter was when I was like 6 yrs old, we lived in a home and I was really scared to be in a certain area of it. one day I was the last one to exit the house and the back door near my parents bed room. I tryed to open the door but it wouldn't budge, something in the room cought my eye as I looked in I saw a man kind of levitat just even with the bed and as I scream he feel over onto the bed. My grandparents were visiting and my whole family were outside, when I screamed my granddad ran to the door and it would not open when he tryed . he actually had to kick the door in to get to me.I was freaking out! So then my parents found out that a man had killed himself in the very room they slept in.

    Since then I have saw alot of things some have frightened me some haven't I have even encountered something evil, My inter family encountered it, and still have some trouble dealing with it.

  2. I was in an old abandoned house near dusk and noticed a Confederate belt buckle . I didn't take it since it wasn't mine . When I got to the car I thought about it and decided to go back and get it , since I had rationalized to myself that whoever owned it was dead or had long forgotten it . Before I could put my foot on the bottom step , a feeling of dread came over me , and I felt as though someone was blocking my entry into the house . Seconds later I felt as though I was being choked , but as I turned to leave it immediately stopped . Needless to say , I haven't been back there .

  3. No, I haven't, but it's not for lack of interest. Anything that has appeared weird or strange to me has had a natural explanation upon investigation. It's my opinion that those who claim to have paranormal experiences are either "taking it on faith" that it's paranormal and dismissing any natural explanations, or perhaps they are too scared to investigate, or perhaps they were intentionally deceived by a prankster, or perhaps they don't have the scientific background to understand the possible natural causes, or perhaps they are just lying.

  4. I have been a paranormal investigator for 3 years now and i have had to many experiences to tell. But One of the most memorable ones was at this house in Colorado. We were doing a standard investigation when we heard a loud bang from the basement. So we went down to check it out. We found nothing that had fallen so we were stumped as to what made this sound when we heard it again from the next room so as we entered this room this steel ball from one of the bed post came flying of the bed and hit me in the chest. It left a bruise for a week. We have been back to this site many times but that was the only time that has happened.

  5. I saw one of those so called "shadow people"

  6. During a period where I was Meditating and studying Paranormal things, I experienced a number of trances.  During these trances I experienced a number of very strange things.  The two most intriguing are as follows:

    A very strong manifestation of an Elizabethan woman standing in the doorway of the room I was in.  I my thoughts I asked her if she was a Guardian Angel, she simpled smile and drew a long thin sword from her side and pointed to the tip, then disappeared.

    The second one was more scary but no less interesting.  As I lay in bed (going into a trance) I felt a very strong evil prescence outside the window behind my head.  I became quite frightened but found I could not move, I felt trapped and tried to reach out for my husband who was next to me.  The only thing I could move was the back of my throat, I made a small noise and then the energy outside the room seemed to rush through the window (making the window rattle quite markedly).  The next morning my husband said "what was going on last night?  I felt a very strange energy and then heard the window rattle"  He had known something was srong, but he could not move either.  At the time I called upon the name of Jesus and the energy fled.

  7. I have had poltergeist activities all around me since I was very young.  I have always had a sense of my surroundings wherever I am.  I mean that I feel the predominant emotions in a place  for instance:

    When I was a child I was always afraid to be alone in one particular room of my grandmother's house.  The room had been changed around alot in my life, it had been everything from the formal dining room to a storage room, a living room and even my cousin's bedroom for a while.  No matter, I didn't like to go in there, especially to a large closet where she had kept her canned foods.  I never knew why I didn't like it there, I always was scared and sad and wanted to cry whenever I was in there.

    Many years later, when my grandparents sold the house, we were doing research to see exactly how old the house was, and we found out that in the 1920s a young boy had been in an accident where he fell down some stairs and hit his head.  Bet you can't guess where those stairs were once located?  Right where the closet is to this day...

    These days I have pictures that rearrange themselves in a frame.  I don't know what it means, or who or what is doing it, as I myself am looking for answers...  good luck on your plight.

  8. One time my smoke detector flew across the room at my dads house  and then there was a picture of a little ghost girl once that i saw.  it was pretty cool

  9. one time wen i was home alone, my room's door k**b sounded like sumone was trying to open it and suddenly it turned and then it turned back it was really creepy and yes i was home alone.

    another time was when i was researching the names they gave to some characters in a video game on the internet. well one of the them was Belial which i didnt know was a actually one of the greatest demons which i had only found out after looking at a website, well i was sorta creeped out and i left my computer as it was with the belial website still there and all and went to the bathroom to wash my face to get ready to go to sleep.  as soon as i finished washing my face i heard a huge crash from my room i was really freaking out. well wen i went in there i found my monitor on the floor and the scary thing was that it was still on the belial page and i was omg this is crazy cus theres NO WAY this just fell down wen its just flat on my desk and fell OVER my keyboard without even moving my keyboard but yea that was really really creepy.

  10. You might like some "fiction" that I wrote, and posted on my site at

    I think you will especially like the name of my main character.  To read it, you need to scroll down to "About the Author" and click on "Read the first five pages..."

    Get back to me if you want to know more about that story...

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