
Have you ever adopted a dog from a shelter? How did it go?

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I myself adopted a goreous Boxer (Tessa =]) from the RSPCA just a year ago and I've never looked back. Although I know it will not last forever (she's an old girl) I'm so glad I got her....she's so friendly and gentle....I'm inlove with Boxers now hehe (She's red and white....oh so beautiful! =]




  1. I got a heeler from a shelter....was about 2 years old. Lived until he was 20. Best dog i have ever had...hus former owners starved and miss treated him. He was so full of life and there was never a boring moment with him!! Will always be the best to me :)

  2. i saved both my dummies from the shelter and wouldn't trade them for the world. a foxhound / lab mix and a lab mixed with something big and stupid.

    my two best friends.

  3. Every dog I have ever had I got from a shelter. They were wonderful dogs, and not a purebred among them.  

  4. We adopted our shaggy friend, Douglas, from an animal shelter and after doing so I don't think I could ever buy from a breeder. The loyalty of a rescue animal is unmatched and I couldn't have a greater friend.

  5. kudos to you for adopting an older dog!!  we just adopted  a dingo lookin dog..his name is kingston and he is a belgium malanois...he is a ham..he is a lap hound..he eats alot and poops more..but he is the coolest dog ever!  his ears are bigger than the big bad wolfs!!

  6. I adopted a puppy from the pound for $50 once.  I took it home, made an appointment to get it's puppy vaccinations and two days later the pup came down with full blown parvo.  Which meant it picked it up at the shelter.

    Two weeks, two blood transfusions and $1500 later - I got my pup out of the hospital.  She was a pit mix and turned out to be the best dog I ever had.  She lived for 13 years and then I had to have her put to sleep because of cancer.  But, other than the cancer and the parvo, she was 100% healthy for the rest of her life.

  7. yes I have adopted a dog from a shelter, but unfortunately I could not keep him because he was to hyper (and he was fixed) and he kept escaping. When I had him I spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars just trying to help him. Fenced yard and inside he can escape. He was a golden retriever and he could escape in a little erea only where a little dog could only go through. He kept getting in trouble and attacking certain people, which I could understand because they would always kick at him which really ticked me off, I couldn't do anything because where I live the dogs have to be in a fenced area or on a leash, which he could escape in both ereas. I had tried everything the word could think of to keep him in our home, but unfortunately it did not work out and had to get rid of him. Just so you know, I didn't put him back in a shelter I did find him a nice good home where I can check on him now and then and lives with one of my mother's friends she works with.  

  8. My husband and I adopted a dog about 8 years ago from animal control, and he is a big boy, weighing in at about 95 lbs. His name is Pancho, and he is a real sweetheart! About 1.5 years ago we adopted another dog (Mugster) from a foster home in a nearby town. He weighs in at 34 lbs. and he and Pancho are the best of friends. We have never regretted adopting these two guys. They are the only kids we have left living at home. Lol. They are such a joy to us! My neighbors across the street just adopted a copper colored Boxer, and his name is Tyson. He's quite handsome. Pancho is part husky with a little mix of wolf, while Mugster is mostly Schnauzer, and he is groomed like a Schnauzer. My daughter used to have a red & white Boxer, and he was adorable. I am a huge believer in adopting, not purchasing from breeders. Nothing against legitimate breeders, but I love to give the ones that are probably going to put down a chance to live a happy life!

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