
Have you ever asked a hospital for a letter of apology?

by  |  earlier

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....because they caused harm to a loved one. I mean asked for a letter for YOU, not the loved apology letter for you because of the emotional trauma? How did that go? Did you do it after a lawsuit was finished? How long after the incident? My request would go to Presbyterian St Lukes in Denver, CO, but please give me all your stories. Thank you!




  1. No I haven't.  I doubt they will give it to you.  Because it would be proof of them admitting they did wrong.

  2. i don't think thats possible.

    i don't think they give letters to every dead patient's family or whatever.

  3. ASK AWAY.. but the hospital probably is worried about your suing them. I think you should consult with a lawyer about the issue and see if you have a case against the hospital for your own emotional distress as well as the person they harmed. As a part of the settlement demand an apology in writing. In the mean time contact the hospital administrators office and place a claim for damages to them for the incidents... and ask for a quality control person or risk manager to contact you.. DO REPORT IT AND DO VENT!!

    Dont sign a release of claims unless they meet your demands..


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