
Have you ever asked a question that was supposed to be funny...?

by  |  earlier

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And most took it seriously?




  1. Yes. People just have no sense of humor.

  2. yes all the time

  3. More often than not!Oh well, as long as I laugh, I'm happy.

  4. Once I asked, "Is it farther to L.A. or by bus?"

    It's a classic stoner paradox from the '60's. Dates me, I know.


    "What are you babbling about? Is it farther by train or to Texas?"

    "Want to rephrase that so we understand it?"

    "(obscene answer that included asking why I would waste 5 points on such a stupid question)"

    Winning answer:

    "I think by bus."

  5. Yes, all the time. I often ask questions that are plays on words, or twists to common sayings, and I always get a number of people who explain what the actual saying is supposed to be. For example, "Is it true that you can't teach new dogs old tricks?", or "Is it true that people who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones?"

  6. Not that I can remember off the top of my head, but I am pretty sure it's happened before  

  7. yes, and i HATE that!

  8. Yes!  Some even got mad at me.  To which I say "lighten up!"  Also, conversely, I have asked a serious question that I really wanted answers to and got dumb ones.  But that's the breaks! :)

  9. More than once my friend..

    Some people just dont read them carefully enough..

  10. When I first went on Answers, I asked a question that went something like this...

    "Would you rather clip your bird's wings or your children's"

    I'm pretty sure that 19 out of 20 responders were from PETA.  They didn't think that a bird's feathers should be clipped, it kept them from being able to fly away from danger......HUH????

  11. Yes many many times,,

  12. Yes, What Happened.....LOL....??

  13. hahaha yes,ppl should lighten up.

  14. that happens all the time..many do not understand the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) workings of sarcasm.  

  15. All the time.

    I once ordered poached eggs for breakfast at a hotel.

    When the waitress asked "on toast?" I replied jokingly, "why?, don't you have plates?"

    She didn't get it.

  16. Yes.

  17. yea it turns kinda akward  

  18. Yes. All the time,

  19. Yes! A few months ago I asked something like "Am I pretty? Am I pregnant? Does he like me?"

    And people actually answered with stuff like "Yeah you're pretty", "How should I know if you're pregnant?", "Who is 'he'?"

    Well that's the last time I try to be funny! Geez.

  20. Yea, my friend pointed at a guy and said doesn't he look g*y to you?

    And it was my boy friend.  Not very funny.

  21. Yes...I once asked if I used hemp lotion on my hands and then if my dog licked my hand would he get high. I put LOL at the end so people would get the hint that it was a joke but everybody who answered obviously thought I was being serious. It was pretty funny the answers I got to a tongue-in-cheek question...

  22. yes.. many times

  23. yeah! and then the people answering get all pissy. it's like "wtf?" where is everyones humor these days?

  24. Yes.

  25. Oh yeah. Just when you think all of the P&Sers are hilarious goofs, you get a bunch of people wanting to burn you at the stake for a silly joke.

    C'mon guys, keep your sense of humor. If you can't laugh at yourself, someone else will.

  26. Yeah, that did happen to me once. The people on here are scaaaary sometimes o _ O

  27. Not on this ID but on me old one ya. I asked if I should join the "Irish mafia" so I could knock people off or something idiotic like that and tons of total dolts started giving me what for over it like I was serious. One guy called me a liar, and blocked me! And I was JOKING.

  28. Oh sure! I just don't get why people don't get me.


  30. yeah, at first i was frustrated that most people didn't get it. then i found a new way to entertain myself. i started asking questions that  the most self-important responders could just drag around on their high horse.

    it is totally hilarious. the best ones are hyper-religous or hyper-nationalist questions. try it. its really funny

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