
Have you ever attempted suicide?

by  |  earlier

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I have, i was having some troubles last year and took a few pills and was crying to my ex on the phone and told him i was going to die. He was shouting and he was confused and we were miles away and has a ******* phone in between.

I felt sleepy and crawled into bed whilst my parents were totally oblivious whilst they were downstairs.

I woke up the next day, went to school and lived my life.

Strange huh?




  1. i haven't ever attempted suicide. i could never hurt myself no matter how depressed i was. & trust me i've hit some lows. i think that maybe you should look into really talking to someone about what happened. maybe it could prevent your from potentially ever having thoughts like that again.

  2. No, not strange at all.

    Suicide is on the rise.

    You are lucky you are not one to be written down and part of the statistics that end up in the hospital or dead.

    I have tried many times. This was while I was much younger. The main ways I tried as by cutting my wrists and taking a bunch of pills. I took alot of pills, like bottles and bottles. About 45 minutes later I stared hallucinating really bad. It felt as though bees were all over me stinging me and my whole body itched.

    My mom rushed me to the hospital, I was scratching all over so hard, I was bleeding horribly. They said if I had waited any longer I could have died. They put a tube up y nose to my stomach to pump it - it was the worst experience ever - I don't like taking pills now.

  3. no

  4. every time i eat the mother in-laws cooking

  5. ive took over 7 overdoses had my tummy pumped 3times guess what im still alive dont be shocked ...

  6. Nope.  You and a hundred thousand other teenagers/young people go through this.  It isnt uncommon but I'm glad you were okay.

    You young people have so much to live for, have had it so good, and there is ample opportunity out there for you for travel, relationships, and careers.

    Go grab it.  Dont waste it trying to committ suicide.

    You are the worlds tomorrow - so dont just stop at today okay?

  7. Yes i tried hanging myself since everyone being jerks at me then i just couldnt die

  8. Yes, I've jumped off a bridge but just ended up with a bad back, have taken paracetamol and ended up in hospital for a week cos my liver was on the brink of packing in. I've managed to pull myself up though. It's a slow progress but i'll get there. If you don't already talk to anyone perhaps you should look into it especially if you are still feeling suicidal

  9. No, I haven't. In fact, I refuse to give up my life even one SECOND before I have to. Far as I know, it's the only one I am going to get so I will NOT let go of it. I even have the opposite of a Living Will that instructs people NOT to turn the machines off. I want to live.  

  10. Yes, but it was a feeble attempt with random prescription pills.

    Pills can be lethal but only the RIGHT kind of pills and I had to search the four corners of the earth to find them.

  11. Don't think its strange at all, exact same thing happened to me. Once when I was a teenager I did it in a non serious way because I was depressed, but didn't really wanna die. Took 8 paracetamols and thought I was gonna die. So stupid.

    1 year ago I was suffering from hallucinations and thought everyone in the city was reading my thoughts and they were broadcasted like a radiostation, it was horrible. I reeeally wanted to die then. I took everything in my medicine cupboard, and that was a full pack each of anti-depressants, sleeping pills, different pain killers, opiates, anti-biotics and anti-psychotics. I fell asleep listening to nine inch nails and woke up 2 days later all dazed and confused, then remembered what had happened. No one knows what happened, my flat mates never missed me. I think maybe I was meant to survive? I just went on living like nothing happened, but inside I felt dead for months. Like I was a walking corpse.

    Never had my liver tested and am scared to, but now I'm glad I didn't put my family through that pain and heartache of losing me. It would have killed them. We are a closeknit unit and my siblings and me now have a pact that if I am on the brink on suicide I have to call them (and vice versa), even if its 3 am or they will be angry at me forever. This pact saved my sisters life 2 weeks ago. She was on the brink of jumping out the 4th floor and I talked her off it.  

  12. No I haven't ~

  13. Not strange at all.

    I attempted suicide when I was a teenager... and no it wasn't for attention.. simply because I really didn't think I could go through with my life anymore.

    Whenever anyone says theres someone out there worse off than you b******ks we all deal with our own problems in our own way! If you ever feel that low again remove yourself from the situation ie your ex whom was obviously not right for you, or talk to someone.

    My personnel view on suicide is that I do believe that anyone whom takes there own life and succeeds is an incredibly brave person (I am in no way condoning it but it is something that is not done half heartedly) and not selfish at all!!! We are very strange creatures and some of us can't cope with the troubles that are thrown our way in life no matter how big!

  14. Many times, yes.

    When I was 17 and trying to get off heroin. I developed severe depression and schizophrenia and I had no family or friends left around me. I ended up in hospital many times and was eventually admitted for being a harm to myself and others.

  15. Sorry but I don't think you were serious about committing suicide because you say the next day you went to school and lived your life.I have had Bi-polar disorder for 10 years and at 2 very low points try to commit suicide because I couldn't cope,I still do not live a normal life.

  16. 7 Times. The penultimate time I was revived twice as my heart had stopped. Then my kidneys shut down. I woke, rose, made my toilet, sat on it and smoked a cigarette. Something, somewhere doesn't want me dead.


    Go figure!

    Cc x

  17. Suicide is something I have thought about and think about. I once took a big handful of pills to "take the pain away" and "make it all stop" but it didn't work. Luckily I'm still alive today.

  18. No i have not.

  19. no, we sometimes get to that point of self hatred, and feeling like no one cares anyway, kinda like we would be doing the world a favor if we ended our is sad,not strange, and I am glad you didn't do any true damage...i have scars on my wrists,and burns in my stomach..thank the Lord, literally, for my life..for God and Jesus are who saved me.

  20. No I have not and to be honest I am completely against suicide. I live in a small UK town where 23 young people have killed themselves in the last 20 months, I have seen so many people devastated by these deaths and my community is pretty much being ripped apart, so many people a re heart broken and I can't believe how lightly some people take suicide. I don't mean to be rude here but if you 'woke up the next day, went to school and lived my life' then you couldn't really have had any problem serious enough to actually effect you badly enough to take your own life could you? What you did was a cry for attention rather than a serious suicide attempt

    I would like to add that in no way am i saying that everyone who attempts suicide and survives was simply trying to get attention, I just felt that from the way the op simply woke up the next day and lived their life seemingly problem free indicated that this was not a serious suicide attempt. For those of you who clearly had real problems and did attempt to take your own lives I am so glad it worked out well for you. Also i'm sorry but i can't agree that suicide is a brave thing to do as someone further down says, what is brave about checking out of life rather than trying to face your problems?

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