
Have you ever attended a TERRIBLE dinner party?

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Sullen silences?

Drunken behaviour?

Rubbish food?

Bad wine?

And through no fault of yours - IT WAS YOUR DINNER PARTY........

can you salvage it?




  1. I have a lot of dinner parties and I have never truly had a horrible one. The one that comes closest is a totally annihilated guest that got rude and obnoxious and argumentative. I finally had to nicely ask him to leave, whereas he proceeded to go off on me. I finally argued with him all the way outside, and then shut my front door in his face. Lucky for me he got the hint and went home, though I worried about him driving. (he lived quite close at the time, was my only consolation) The rest of the guests were able to laugh it off, and the evening proceeded without another hitch.

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