
Have you ever backed up someone else's toilet?

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You know it's really bad when the bathroom starts flooding lol.




  1. Yes, I was soo embarrassed. It was at my uncle's house. I was only like 9 though.

  2. Yes I have a couple time's, I just told them that their s*****r was a  piece of s.h.i.t & full of it too.

  3. No but it's my worst nightmare... like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.

    The toilet did get backed up once when I was living with some roommates.... it was already broken but the b*****d who broke it didn't bother to tell me.  Luckily I managed to semi-fix it so it turned out okay.

  4. I haven't.  In fact, I rarely have to go #2 when I am not at home.  I think that is strange.

    I can understand how embarrassing this must be, though.

  5. Yes, I was visiting a friend's family in Mexico on the Baja peninsula, very small town, no modern conveniences and no running water only what we can get from the tanks on the roof. I got very ill and wrecked the toilet and was totally unable to stop until the illness ran its course. I felt bad but I really could not help it and my friend's father had to clean it and he was really pissed off. I felt so bad.

  6. LOL yes, I went #2 (sorry if thats tmi)

    but it wasn't because of my waste there was something wrong with the toilet. But this happened at my friends house and her mom had to plunge it it was SO embarrassing.

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