
Have you ever bailed on Jury Duty?

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Have you ever bailed on Jury Duty?




  1. I never really bailed out of jury duty,but,I did send a letter to excuse myself from jury duty.

    At thi time I received the  jury request letter I was going through a tough time.I had some issues with police brutality outbreaks going on in our town.

    I really did not think I would be responsible enough to have someone elses future put in my hands.

    I explained this in a letter to the court and was excused with a thank you for my honesty.

    That was almost 30 years ago when I was young,immature,and unaware of the importance jury duty.

    If asked again to serve,I would.But back then I couldnt.

  2. I served on a jury once (only been asked once) and found it to be a facinating experience.  Not nearly as exciting as it is on TV, but critical if we value the concept of jury of peers.  I was able to participate but hope by now that the pay is better than $20/day which I fear skews the jury of peers to the extremes of the socio economic scale.

  3. I have thrown away the letter, but it showed up again, then I called and went.

    Now I get called every year.

  4. No. I consider it my civic duty as a patriot and true American.

  5. you have to go or something happens i dont know what but it not good

  6. i bailed because it was a hardship to ride 2 buses just to get to the location assigned.  it was changed from a location where my commute would have been on one bus.  the officials overseeing the citizens called wanted a change at our inconvenience.  the more i see of this so called justice system makes me want to puck

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