
Have you ever become sore after using a slip n' slide??

by Guest59984  |  earlier

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I just bought a new slip n' slide and a went on it for maybe 4ish hours. Do you think I am sore from the slip n' slide???




  1. omg yes!! the next day i had a soreee stomach!! lol

  2. well from what i remember using the slip n slide you kinda slide into home plate like baseball which could do a toll on your upper legs and your hips along with your butt so i would have to say yes you could be sore from the slip n slide.

  3. Yep...We had a kid break his neck on one and is crippled for carefull when using it !  Tagger

  4. Yes it is very possible. You land on the slip n' slide in positions that are not natural over and over. This would in fact make you sore.

    Hope you feel better*

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