
Have you ever been ELECTROCUTED????

by  |  earlier

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If you have, was it fun??? =)




  1. Yes actually, and I was scared half out of my mind!!! It was NOT fun at all, it may seem cool on the outside, but it stung and hurt to the extreme, and there is no pain like it in the world. I don't think its an experience you want to have.

  2. Yes and not really it didnt hurt just shocked me a bit

  3. No, but I have been shocked by electricity. Technically, the definition of electrocute is to be KILLED by electricity. Not too many of those who have been killed by electricity are likely to answer your question.

  4. My dad had a near death experience from being electrocuted. Thank God he didn't actually die because then I wouldn't be here!

  5. I got shocked by a broken hairdryer, it stuck to my hand and i couldn't remove it, my muscles responded slowly and there was a strong pulsing sensation that ran throughout my body. It's hard to explain it it was such a wierd feeling, i dont know of another feeling similar - it didn't exactly hurt but it did leave small burn marks on my hand and on my foot!  

  6. I touched some wires hanging out of the christmas lights and got really zapped..... freaked me out, I called the doctor who live two doors down and he told me I was fine. It was a strange sensation I will never forget.  

  7. It was weird

  8. The Kitchen Spark Plug!!!

    Darn it! It cut my thumb, and I still have a black scar, but it kinda looks like a tattoo, so I'm fine with it...

    I didn't feel anything, all I saw was [word play, ha! Saw is the opposite of was!] a blue light strike my thumb. ugh, I got goosebumps now!

  9. ok...... uhm.... for one, if I was electrocuted, I would not be alive, or typing this response.

    To be ELECTROCUTED, is to be shocked fatally by electric shock, meaning, death....

    so, to answer your question the RIGHT way, yes, I have been shocked by electricity, and h**l no, it was not fun.... it hurts... badly.. especially when you wear corduroy pants in the winter....  

  10. Yeah, I was replacing a halogen light bulb and my thumb got caught between the bulb and the tab it connects to and I got shocked. I shook a little and my hair stood on end, but in the end I was alright.

    Nah, wasn't too fun...

  11. Yes. As a child I was in the kitchen of our house who's floor was cement and the old Frigidaire was leaking water. I leaned up against it and was held there by the current. I remember thinking that the fridge wanted me to stand there as if it had its arms around me holding me in place. Apparently I was shaking, my dad noticed grabbed his rubber gloves and unplugged it. I do not remember it being particularly fun. ~M~

  12. No but my dad said he would pay me twenty bucks to touch a electric fence. It wasnt working so I pretended to look like i got a shock and he gave me the twenty dollars, that was fun!

  13. Well, I have never been electrocuted but I have been hit by lightning.

    At work the lightning came through the window, hit the computer server, arced to the metal file cabinet next to it and went through that, through me, and into the copier where I was standing making copies. The last thing I remember was being pushed into the copier. My supervisor found me on the floor.

    The server and copier had to be replaced. The lightning marks had to be scrubbed off the file cabinet. And I ended up being fine. My body tingled violently and my muscles kept contracting for a few days after that. I had a tiny little mark on my back where it entered me but nothing on my stomach.

    It it wouldn't have gone through so many items before and after it hit me I would have been a goner.

  14. once at my mom's house the bathroom light wasn't working and she plugged in this very old stand up lamp in there. I was washing my face and my elbow touched the body of the lamp which had a short in it...I think my hair stood on end and my body shook until I could pry myself away from it....very scary experience!!

  15. no but i can think of a few id like to apply serious voltage to.

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